My Take on Macon County Commission Meetings
NOTE: The Macon County Commission will meet next on July 13, 2020, the 2nd Monday of the month. The county work session begins at 5pm just before the general session at 6 PM.
PLEASE KNOW, state law allows only 10 people in the annex at one time.
Therefore, I will again not be permitted Fbook Live stream both the work and general sessions for your safety and convenience. I got fired. I now have been fired from two voluntary positions because I think and act as myself not some elected public servant's agenda.
Hopefully, the county will continue their streaming after the county opens for business. If so, their actions will be another example of open government as a result of me; web site, agenda, minutes, and documents posted on-line, employee recognition program, movement of the former 10 am work sessions to the evening are directly as a result of my determination.
The county has opened OUR government but so much remains to be done. Why is the county budget not on OUR county website?
Countdown to the Macon County Commission business meeting 8June at 5 PM in the Annex in Tuskegee across from the court house parking lot.
For about a decade, Macon County citizens have been informed of what is going on in OUR county government primarily from this web site. OUR county's website began its on-line presence in January 2017, after years of citizen demands for an on-line presence. The county commission prior to and after publishing OUR website lacks a Facebook presence.
On recently has the county been posting notification of meeting and meeting minutes on OUR county website due to a greater citizen push back.
County work sessions are the second Monday of each month at 5:00 P.M. in the Annex immediately followed by the County Commission general session at 6:00 p.m. 8 times a year. Each county district has one meeting per year in their immediate area to facilitate greater local participation. During these district meeting the work session is not conducted and the general meeting remains at 6 PM..
County Commissioners and other county elected officials at County Meetings:
Commission mailing address: 101 E. Rosa Parks Ave., Tuskegee, AL 36083
Chairman Louis Maxwell 334-724-2555, "King,"
District 1 Commissioner Miles Robinson, "Open Records Squad Leader,", 334-202-6885
District 2 Commissioner Ed (Coach) Huffman, - email appears to have not yet been set up, 334-421-2015
District 3 Commissioner Andrew (Drew) Thompson, "clean-up",, - email appears to have not yet been set up, 334-300-4871
District 4 Commissioner Robert (Mike) Berry,, - email appears to have not been set up, 334-703-5795
Iverson Gandy, Jr - Revenue Commissioner,, 334-724-2603
Alfonza Menefee - Probate Judge, Tag & Title office 334.724.2552, Probate Judge 334.724.2611, District Judge 334-727-6110, Parole & Probation 334-724-2620, Juvenile Probation 334.724.2609, Extension 334.727.0340, District Attorney 334.724.2623
Andre Brunson - Sheriff
County employees frequently at county meetings:
Ms. Gertrude Benjamin - Personnel Clerk
Ms. Susan Thomas - County Administrator
Mr. J.D. Smith - County Engineer, 334-724-2619,
Mr. Brian Ware - Compliance Officer, 334-724-2554
Ms. Bridgett Gray - County attorney
Mr. Frank Lee - Director, Emergency Management Agency
Ms. Erika Collins - Chairman's administrative assistant
Ms. Harris - RSVP Director
Definitions of terms and agencies:
Table - issue is dead until revived by the same commissioner who tabled it.
AVENU Insights & Analytics, LLC, formerly RDS - Revenue Discovery Service, state office is in Birmingham
The county is posting at times the meeting agenda before the meeting. The minutes, agenda, and reports of the county meetings are now on OUR website at after years of nagging them. However, the minutes are from their perspective, these notes, which take a lot of time, are from a concerned citizen.
Monday, 13Apr2020, Macon County Commission
work session at 5 PM and work session at 6 PM in the Annex
The county is complying with state rules in that only 10 or less persons are
allowed in the annex at one time. I was asked to stream the meetings for the safety
and well being of the county. Mike Berry has again refused the hand held
- Work session. Present: All commissioners, Attorney Gray, Ms. Benjamin and Erika. Speakers: EMA Frank Lee, Judge of Probate James Cooper, Mr. Guy Trammel, and Tuskegee News reporter. Frank Dillman streaming the meeting.
- A) The work session was focused on a Mass Communication System similar to what the 911 Board should have. Frank Lee, EMA Director, and Judge of Probate James Cooper (an IT professional) researched and presented the 90-free day service. The system would allow unlimited text mgs and those with land lines can receive a voice call. Civic Plus is the plan both of them are recommending to the commission. Costs: 90days zero, after trial $3,792 for one year, $7,500 for year two and beyond. The system will allow the merge of databases into the notification system to include instant gram and Facebook. About “5K hits last evening” concerning the storm, Frank Lee. This plan is separate from Sheriff or 911 services. Got to wonder why one system can not be used by the three departments, with common data, but coded in a fashion for each department may use subsets of the data. Both men respectfully attempted to dismiss Maxwell’s request that both evaluate the school’s system. B) Probate Judge addressing and asking permission for the county to purchase an additional 11 electronic polling pads, which will include training. The pads will not use the WIFI or internet. The Secretary of State will reimburse the county, which may be about $13K as estimated by Cooper. Protective clothing for poll workers and persons working the primary election will be reimbursed by the So State. C) Revenue Commissioner Tax Sale update, may be held in the parking lot behind the court house. D) Guy Trammel, representative of addressed a 2020 Build Grant an opportunity for transportation infrastructure primarily for rural areas. Grant can be up to $25M. Resurfacing CR 45, DC Wolf, TIMMS and NHS repave parking lots, Black belt Nature Heritage Trail directional signs for bird watching, national forest, Tuskegee National Institute, link all schools with fiber optic cable. County commission would apply for the reimbursable grant. Application date is May 18th. Plan: Berry, Robinson, J.D. Smith, a member of the school board, and Trammel will meet. E) Gandy, Tax Day on … while payment will be spread over the next two days. Arrangements: mark off 6’ for bidders. If there are tents for bidders, they will not be Gandy’s responsibility. As needed, he will provide shelter for his employees.
General session: Present: All commissioners,
Attorney Gray, Ms. Benjamin and Erika. Frank Dillman streaming the meeting.
A) public comments, Frank Dillman,
compliments to EMA Frank Lee and Judge of Probate, open record request for open
records phone numbers and emails, emphasizing the value of a reverse phone
call, a county new norm will result from the coronavirus and asking that the
county include taking care of our environment, sixth time in row for the county
asking for the county to comply with the 2015 Solid Waste Management Plan, $50K
to $60K uninsured dump truck, sitting between to other similar trucks, was set
ablaze, my son asked of the background and to date he has not received a
response B) Agenda adopted. C) Build Grant – an appointed committee as listed
above – very little discussion as previously discussed, see
“D” above, during the work session standard operating procedure.
D) Some discussion of inaccuracies and
corrections of the minutes in need of approval. E) Payment of Budgeted Overtime – generated a lot
of discussion ONCE again, beginning at 1:00 hr.. remaining. Overtime discussion
has been kicked around for months with nothing concrete being added to the
employee manual. Discussion into EMA Director’s 95 has. of overtime, with
Maxwell concerned about “cash flow” with reduced sales tax
collection since the corona virus. Again, “exempt” and
“non-exempt” employees whereas Maxwell said “we discussed
this sometime ago.” “We had two meetings on that and a decision was
never made on it” stated Maxwell, who is the CEO of the county. Why is
this continuing to be kicked around? Should be carried over as “Old
Business” until resolved. Who is managing the a dm in of this county? What
are the “federal guidelines” for a “salaried employee”
asked Thompson. “We” spoken by Maxwell, need to address this.
“This is not the last time” Maxwell spoke and it needs to be
addressed. “Can we afford to pay it up front?” waiting for
reimbursement said Maxwell. Never once was the good name and character of the
employee mentioned, General Reputation and Character as defined by 25a-2(3)
“Characteristics or actions of a person directly involving good or bad
ethical conduct, moral turpitude, or suspected criminal activity, not including
job performance.” all was about how and if he should be paid for the
hours. Mike Berry, said we need to speak with Frank Lee about
“overtime”. Asking all department heads to compile department
expenses and or revenue generated as a result of the virus will be compiled by
Ms. Susan Thomas in her monthly report to eventually forwarded to state.
F) Build Grant – no further discussion,
attorney pleased with the arrangement, and approved by the commission for the
ad-hoc committee. G) Old Business: 1) Probate
Judge, Robinson asked if the $17K is reimbursable? Cooper said
“yes’ and will check with the So State. 2) Revenue Commissioner
Handy discussed some on tax sale and will check with state folks about
particulars. 3) EMA Director: overtime. Asked if necessary, my good name and
character is in question, I am good for an Executive Session, Maxwell said it
has nothing to do with that, 1:30:00 into the meeting. However, Robinson
motioned, Huffman hesitated and seconded and into an Executive Session they go
not to discuss name and character but his overtime? 4) phone for local census
assistance with 334-724-2578
Added notes Executive Session, my letter to Commission, Chair letter to me, my firing from copied 19 virus video streamer, and my reply to chair. for Executive session for EMA Director Frank Lee. According to Embarkments 2014 guide, page 67 states there are nine conditions justifying an Executive Session:
- General Reputation and Character – which was denied by Chair at 1:30:00 into the streamed meeting. "Except as provided elsewhere in this section, the salary, compensation, and job benefits of specific public officials or specific public employees may not be discussed in executive session." Ala. Code § 36-25A-7 (a) (1)
- Employee Disciplinary Matters
- Pending or Threatened Litigation and Mediation/Arbitration Security Matters
- Criminal Investigations
- Purchase of Sale of Property
- Matters of Commerce or Trade
- Public Employee Negotiations Strategy
- Administrative Hearing Matters.
- Security Plans
Reports: 1) Accounting by Ms. Susan Thomas 2) Engineer 3) Attorney- nothing to report 4) Compliance Officer – once again not in attendance, 5) EMA – approved written report 6) RSVP written report 7) Community Corrections – written report 8) Rural Transportation
FINAL NOTE: 2:03 has. into the stream and to the end: When I said the Executive Session called for Lee because of a salary issue is a “stretch.” Commissioner Berry stated I called him a liar, and I replied “When I call you a liar, you will know it.”
Tuesday, 17June2019, Public Hearing in the Annex. The Public Hearing Agenda. The county did an exceptionally poor job in advertising this meeting throughout the county. No notice was posted in Notasulga.
Thursday, 25Mar2019 - Special Meeting advertisement
Monday, 11Feb2019, The general session can be viewed here. The work session beginning at 5 PM was primarily discussion and citizen input concerning the funding source of the $50,000 annual tax to maintain an constant presence of an ambulance - possibly two. The general session was primarily departmental reports, opening of Road and Bridge bids, an approved resolution for a 1-cent sales tax for the school system, a presentation and call for volunteers to assist with 2020 census taking, and Legislative resolutions for an additional 4-cent fuel tax and the ambulance tax.
Monday, 14Jan2019
Monday, 10Dec2018, C.J. Langford Senior Nutrition Center, Notasulga, 6 p.m. Agenda, 14Nov2018 minutes, Rules of Procedure, and monthly reports. Attendees all of the commission, Mses. Grey, Thomas, Collins, Harris, Benjamin, and Mr. Smith. Notasulga Mayor Tommy Miller and council person Scott Barnhart in poorly attended meeting. Six citizens, counting Michael Johnson and me were in attendance. Poor internet, noted and apologized by Maxwell several times, and no public address system.
- Public Comment
- Mr. Fountain addressed to commission as to his support of additional tax for roads and Mike Berry
- Frank Dillman asked for commissioners to think through the additional fuel tax the county is considering in light of the legislature doing the same during this forthcoming legislative session. He also asked that citizens have a final say on any county gas tax increase.
- Mayor Tommy Miller spoke in favor of the additional county fuel tax.
- New Business
- Report by Commission Miles Robinson, Macon County ACCA legislative representative A) ACCA is pushing state gas tax increase to affect all counties. B) on-line companies must pay their fair share of tax (NOTE: the companies are not paying their fair share, it is OUR money taken from us, they are only collecting the money and the yet the state permits the companies to keep, what I believe is 2%, for collecting and managing the collected tax). C) Kay Ivey's plan includes job training, infrastructure and prisons. D) provided the ACCA 2018 Calendar of Events. E) ACCA meeting 17Jan in Prattville.
- Employee of year: RL Smith Administrative Bldg. and Grounds
- SCADC Mr. Crews (?) and Roland Vaughn discussing walking trails at District 4 Rec Center and Chisholm Center. Michael Johnson asked of lighting, available hours, and safety. Maxwell then spoke to solar powered lights and requested a public address system. Application deadline is 31Dec2018. MB:MR:U
- Drew Thompson addressed the need for the county employee system be all inclusive beginning with 2019. Currently only the court house participates. R&B stopped their individual program. Discussion primarily by Thompson and Robinson resulted in Robinson making a comment that all department heads and elected public servants should be called to a meeting stressing their need of participation. (NOTE: I spoke with both commissioners after the meeting about the gas tax and the employee recognition program, reminding them of me taking the lead for the program, and emailed Thompson my original plan.
- AVENU Business License, formerly RDS, representative stated compared to last year at this time the collected sales tax is up 5.7%. "Tax collection going very well." She further stated that a lot of businesses are not paying their "use" taxes. Annual contract approved: MR:CH:U
- Berry began a discussion of closing the court house for an extra day for Christmas which lead to Maxwell stating when the county is closed there are no incoming revenue. (Note: Not sure of the outcome of this discussion.)
- Worksite agreement by Maxwell. He stated a person, 16-24 years of age, is hired with 100% of salary paid by state. The targeted work area will be the newly acquired Rural Transportation system. Maxwell who apologized for the lack of internet during the meeting.
- Reports: A) Rural Transportation. Mr. Marlin King introduced himself as the Rural Transportation Coordinator and gave his first report consisting of his training and the number of rides for the month. Maxwell stated the county has the authority to lease signage space on the buses for added revenue. B) Road and Bridge: CR 24 resolution for repair - passed. Next project will be in District 3. Washington Ave weather permitting will be paved the following day. C) Finance - no verbal comment necessary from submitted report. D) Chairman, need to set special meeting date and with our legislative delegation. He spoke of the need to replace expensive pieces for the A/C and heating court house from the Capital Improvement Fund. Robinson jumped in with state wide 60% to 70% of fuel tax is paid by truckers and automobile drivers passing through. (Note: Where does the 30% to 40% come from?)
- Huffman before the blessing of the food gave numerous examples of needed road repair and encouraged support of the fuel taxes. (Note forgetting the $38,400 in finance and its reality of public serving the public servants and the required repayment of $1.25 million back to the Capital Improvement Fund.
- Adjourned 7:32 p.m.
Monday, 14Nov2018 Annex Quadrennium organizational meeting. 10 a.m. Agenda, 9Oct2018 and 22Oct2018 minutes, monthly reports, Resolution #102218 and Resolution #2019-1 concerning funding for County Rural Transportation system, Public Hearing for Macon County Rural Public Transportation Program, ACCA Workers' Compensation Self-Insurers Fund, AVENU 2018 annual agreement. Entire Commission, Mses. Gray, Collins, Thomas, and Benjamin, and Mr. Smith present. Franklin Mayor Peevy and Racing Commission Chair Luther Curry in audience.
- Maxwell A) asked Berry and Huffman to say a few words as to their re-election, followed by comments from Robinson and Thompson. (Note. Interesting all four them the commissioners said it will be nice "working together." All unanimous voting IS the problem. Does not one of the commissioners ever think differently? Apparently not.) B) announced that Robinson is the Vice Chair.
- Public Comment. A) Michael Johnson stressed the county needs increased economic development for funding of which he replied he as spoken with the Economic Development Authority when Maxwell directed him to do so. Johnson wants to stream the meetings thereby generating revenue through tourism and broadband. Added he is knowledgeable of grant writing. B) Wiley Kirk thanked Berry and Huffman for "being out front for good or bad."
- Annie Watts honored as Employee of the Month.
- New Business. A) Mr. Curry presented his financial report with handouts to all of county staff and commissioners -gather it will be on-line. B) Berry appointed Grover Fountain to the Personal Board replacing Frank Dillman, who was appointed on 3May2016. (Note. All about ruling and controlling. Play by Berry's rules and not run against him and all is good or be replaced only 4 days post election.) C) Robinson appointed Wiley Kirk to the Personal Board. D) Marlin King appointed as Coordinator, Macon County Rural Transportation.
- Reports. A) Chairman wants to hire 4 Rural Transportation drivers today, one with CDL, with a slightly higher salary. Wants 3 qualified standbys. Wants commissioner hosted public hearings before legislative session to get citizens involved. Would like no euthanasia of dogs by county on a joint trial basis with humane society and TU Vet School. Humane society wants to hold dogs from 7 days to 14 day with the humane society covering the extra feed. Berry stated he does not want to have this only on his "shoulders" as this is a countywide problem and prefers the Town of Notasulga and the Human Society work out their differences first. Berry is to set up a meeting with Notasulga. B) Road and Bridge - needs more money for infrastructure. Thompson opened a discussion as to the need and source for additional road and bridge funding of 2 cents to 4 cents per month stating "will cost every citizen less than $2.00 a month." "Gotta change the way we do business." Setting aside 5% of each month into a Rainy Day Fund will enable the county to act quickly and independently of the state and federal requirements for emergencies and roads not covered by ALDOT. C) Attorney spoke of Frank Dillman's lawsuit and stated she filed it through the county insurance company. If they do not defend the county then her firm will. D) All other reports not discussed because they have nothing to add to their individually submitted reports.
Monday, 10Sep2018, Cotton Valley Community Center, 6 p.m. General Session. Agenda; minutes for 13Aug2018 (Regular meeting), 17Aug2018 (continuation meeting), 28Aug2018 (continuation meeting), and 30Aug2018 (continuation meeting); County Bid Process SOP; ADEM Scrap tire annual renewal letter through 30Sep2021; Frank Dillman annual request for exemption of county mandatory garbage pickup, and monthly submitted reports. Acting Chair, Drew Thompson, and other commissioners, Engineer, Attorney, Personnel Clerk, Chair A dm in Assistant, Finance Director present. EMA director and 2 in the kitchen and 7 others in the audience, of which one was The Tuskegee News reporter, two from Montgomery representing
the Montgomery Food Bank, and Mr. Gunn from Lee County resulted in the most unattended general session I can recall in recent times.
- Public Comments: none
- Employee of the Month: Gertrude Benjamin
- Blessing provided by Coach Huffman and Pledge of Allegiance
- Payment of bills and overtime, nothing noteworthy.
- New Business: A) Sheriff, new hires x 3 approved B) Engineer, second temp hire of the four previously approved. C) Montgomery Food Bank presentation. During the last FY the food bank provided 465,000 pounds of food to four agencies into Macon County. The Bank provides food to over 800 agencies in 35 of the state's 67 counties. Additional food provided by Opelika. Clients are approved by the local agencies to ensure eligibility. The spokesperson asked the county as it prepares its FY2019 budget to provide to the food bank because all money from the county will be returned to the county and $1.00 buys 6.5 pounds of food. D) a one-day ABC liquor license granted depending on Sheriff's approval to a Wire Road (District 4) event. Robinson asked about its expected revenue to which Berry replied sales tax and license fees.
- Old Business: A) Six Road and Bridge bids were received and opened by the commissioners and the winning bid announced by the Engineer. The Engineer stated he is using all available sources and joint bids as possible for savings to the county. B) Retiree resolution as to one-time bonus tabled to the budget process C) Health care Authority appointee - chairman is not ready.
- Reports: Reports, as it the policy, have been previously submitted, resulting in no discussion.
- Commissioners' discussion: A) Public
Budget Hearings will be 18Sep, 20Sep, and 27Sep at 10:00 a.m. in the Annex.
(Observation: an election must be on the horizon as the
public announcement, motioned by Berry, of all three expected hearings is the first in the many years I have been attending county meetings.) B) the county assisting the Macon County Water Authority with office space and equipment following a damaging fire earlier in the morning. C) Engineer provided a T-100 update stating on-going discussion with the FAA, to extend the runway, and ALDOT, pertaining to realignment of a couple of roads are underway. Additionally, he stated, ALDOT discussion is taking place about redesigning all three Macon County I85 exchanges, in particular Exit 38.
- 6:45 Recess to continuation meeting on 17Sep at 10:00 a.m. in Annex.
Monday, 13Aug2018, Annex, 6 p.m. General Session. Agenda; minutes for 9Jul2018 (Regular Meeting); Public Hearing Notice for CDBG grant application (not public ally posted in Notasulga) for renovation of "Old Macon County Hospital" with VAST estimates, and Resolution #070918 for the grant; and monthly reports - Road and Bridge breakdown of road projects using the 1 cent gas tax; County resolution #070918-A with VAST for Professional Services. Chair and all commissioners, less Drew Thompson, Engineer, Mses. Thomas, Collins, Benjamin, and County Attorney. James Copper, Probate Judge elect, EMA Director, Revenue Commissioner, and many county retirees in the audience. A) Kelly Bass - Employee of the Month
- Public Comment, Either Mr. Ellis or Mr. Fountain praised Berry for his work in District 4 and the T-100 project.
- New Business, Discussion to county retirees' one time bonus of between $29 to $39k to be considered for the FY 2019 budget. Robinson stated the county may need to come to "you" for a "penny or 2 cents" later. "Just putting it out there," he continued. Robinson in his usual fashion is a straight shooter.
- EMA Director in reference to the ambulance situation stated a new proposal with "specifics" such as response time met last Friday, will meet again Wednesday, 15Aug.
- Reports A) Engineer, no change of status for CR 9 bridges. As a representative to his professional association, the chair asked him to look for additional money for infrastructure. There are 15 bridges in our county "impassable." B) EMA power and water for District 1 safe room (formerly "storm shelters") will be from the neighboring community center. C) Sheriff - new hire Captain Blair Systrunk is "gone." D) Attorney, rebid the ambulance contract. E) RSVP - not present but submitted report. F) Community Corrections, "up and it is growing." 21 clients and anticipating another 5 or 6. "Moving along quite well." G) Revenue, "Revenues still extremely slow." H) Chairman, we are doing the "best we can for what we got." All Macon County Day - Friday for county-wide 4th graders with noon lunch. Saturday the parade begins at 10 a.m. and music beginning at 11 a.m.
- Recess to Friday, August 17 at 10:00 p.m. including an Executive Session.
Monday, 13Aug2018, Annex, 5 p.m. Work Session. Chair and all commissioners, less Drew Thompson, Engineer, Mses. Thomas, Collins, Benjamin, and County Attorney. Revenue Commissioner in the audience. Most of the meeting was focused on ambulance service to our county. Road and Bridge bids opened.
6Aug2018 Special Called meeting concerning ambulance service. Minutes.
Monday, 9Jul2018 General Session, Annex, 6 p.m. Chair and all commissioners, County Engineer, County Attorney, County Administrator, Personnel Clerk, Chairman's Administrative Assistant, Compliance Officer, and Emergency Management Director.
- Public Comment. A) Frank Dillman spoke of Lewis Echols' property with a ditch cut by the county through the depth of his property is not controlling flood waters. B) Frank Dillman gave an Open Records request for the county garbage ordinance to the Chair, who directed me to give it to the county attorney, and citing state law he declined to do so. C) Someone mentioned the need for a reliable ambulance service. D) One person spoke of the cleanliness of the County in particular District 4 because of Mike Berry. E) Chair replied the county citizens must be aware of "anything to harm our earth." The county has a new policy with Tuskegee and their students to pick up litter and wants groups to sponsor sections of roads.
- Payment of Bills and Invoices, motioned by Robinson, seconded by Thompson, and unanimously approved.
- Payment of Overtime: motioned by Berry, seconded by Huffman, unanimously approved.
- New Business A) The discussion of repairs and improvements to the hospital building on the lake was opened by Robinson who said the county should wait until the grant is approved and the entire process deserves more facts and discussion. Berry said a similar instance occurred on Hwy 199 and the additional money was not located. To approve the grant Robinson motioned, Thompson seconded, and again unanimous approval. Huffman said nothing during the discussion. B) A USDA grant to help support the project was also unanimously approved, motioned by Thompson, seconded by Robinson. C) New hires for Sheriff Department Berry motioned, Huffman seconded and unanimously approved. D) Road and Bridge salary adjustments - Thompson motioned, ?? seconded, unanimously approved. E) Bids to be received on August 10 and opened on on August 13 for building materials. F) Lee met with municipalities and Tuskegee University about the county having 2 or 3 ambulances. Berry motioned, ??, unanimously approved.
- Old Business A) chair not ready for Healthcare Authority appointments
- Reports A) Financial report - "Revenues extremely slow." Robinson: Thompson: unanimously approved. B) Engineer - CR 9 guard rails should be in place in about a month, Washington bridge work stopped for a week, Resurfacing and striping on CR 24 and 33, Striping completed on CR 51 and 53, CR 67 East Bridge and CR 67 West Bridge "Working on Pre-Disaster of Work and Cost Estimates." Radar Station bridge - not know when, CR67 East and 67 West - the bridges will be raised about 5' and and about 72' long Robinson: Thompson: unanimously C) Compliance Report Robinson, Thompson unanimously D) EMA - Robinson disappointed that he was not made aware of a visit and photographs being taken for the District 1 Storm Shelter. E) Attorney - no submitted or oral report F) RSVP G) Chair - questions on bond issue, special meeting?, August 25 All Macon County Day, wall about courthouse repaired
- Executive Session at 6:50 for "good name and character" called by Robinson, of which I left and went home.
Monday, 9Jul2018 Work Session, Annex, 5 p.m. Chair and all commissioners, County Engineer, County Attorney, County Administrator, Personnel Clerk, Chairman's Administrative Assistant, Compliance Officer, and Emergency Management Director.
- Deputy Murray Baker - Employee of the Month. As I can recall, Baker is the first employee in the Sheriff Department so recognized for at least 4 years.
- Discussion of the Old Hospital Building by the City Lake. Ms. Ashley Hutcherson of ??? is noting excess funding of about $200K over the $350K grant limit. Roland Vaughn made a presentation w pictures of the interior requiring repairs and improvements. Commissioner Robinson opened the discussion into where is the excess funding to be located, as he has done before on other projects. Mrs. Dixon, director of the rehab services, stated about 30 average clients, staff of 9.
- Meeting adjourned 5:58 PM..
Monday, 11Jun2018 Chisholm Community Center 6 p.m. No work session. Chair and all commissioners, JD Smith, Bridgett, Compliance Officer, EMA Director, Mrs. Benjamin, Ms. Thomas, Mr. Davis present.
Public Comment - Frank Dillman asked again (following my requests to Maxwell on court house steps and email) for county's garbage policy. Commissioner Berry asked why I needed it, as compared to he not already knowing, to which I replied I want to help citizens as I meet them campaigning. His reply was I should do as he, give the phone number to Compliance office and have the citizen call, whereas I stated I have been helping citizens in this county for years. I then turned to chair asking is there not county policy of no back and forth during public comment and asked if he had anything of me and sat down. Maxwell stated again he will get the policy to me. As of 24June2018 - no surprise, nothing. Feel the heat in the District 4 commission race!
New Business - A) Maxwell - Excess property not ready yet, he will get with attorney. B) Mr. Sullen of the county 4H program introduced himself and provided an overview of the program. C) Jason Lawler employee of the month. D) Minutes, bills paid, and overtime approved. E) July is Parks and Recreation Month F) Ambulance - county, sheriff, and county leadership will discuss the retention and expansion of the service. G) Robinson appointed to ACCA legislative committee for 2018-2019 H) Mrs. Benjamin as the commissioners to speak louder! I) Cooper Lane and Tysonville CSX crossings - previous CSX resolution was solely for Cooper Lane, now need one for Tysonville Road.
Reports - A) Engineer 1) will seek bids for Washington Avenue, 2) CR 22 bridge now open 3) CR 24 and 32 resurfacing begin by next week - weather permitting. 4) CR 40 resurfacing $233K 5) Asphalt is bought by the county either delivered or pickup 6) new batwing bush hog and new tractors via USDA grants. B) Chairman - 1) CR 7 is terrible, cant go to church without receiving road complaints 2) 3rd Saturday furniture, appliance, and large pieces of stuff to county drop off points. C) Community Corrections - Marcus Johnson - 20 potential clients need assessing and county got the second half $28K of state start up money.
Adjourn - 7:19 p.m.
Monday, 14May2018 general session Annex. Chair and all commissioners, Erika, Bridgett, J.D. Smith, Susan Thomas, Mr. Gandy, Frank Lee, Mr. Ware.
Public Comment - Mr. Gandy said the tax sale went well with only 20 properties going to the state, or 5% less than 2017.
Presentation - A) by a TU socio/government professor and his students as to identifying specific areas of the county eligible for different levels of economic development A good and informative presentation. Too bad attending citizens were not afforded the handouts. The commission, namely Robinson and Maxwell, were disappointed in just hearing and not being able to contribute to this project. Robinson said "we need to continue dialog and move to another level." Dr. Hill said "we must do a lot better." B) Sandra Jackson, field representative for Doug Jones introduced herself and offered to assist the county as she can.
New Business - A) previous minutes, payment of bills and overtime was approved. B) Opiate Class Action participation approved unanimously. C) Rufus Felton resolution. D) more discussion on CSX with crossings in Tysonville, Shorter and Cooper Lane in Notasulga. Resolution to meet with CSX.
Old Business - A) Chair not ready for his Healthcare Authority appointments.
Reports - A) Chairman - May 25 Sheriff fish fry at 1000 in Chisholm Community Center 1) Macon County Awards Banquet 2) Public Audit report completed 3) refinance bond issues B) other reports - submitted with very little discussion other than the need of the commission of action.
Monday, 14May2018 work session Annex. Chair and all commissioners, Erika, Bridgett, J.D. Smith, Susan Thomas.
Business for General Session - A) Chair has spoken w Attorney about being a member of an Opiate Class Action Suit- no cost to the county. B) Engineer - update on Wire Road project being shut down. C) Resolution for CSX road crossing meeting and Rufus Felton D) Compliance Officer - excused by Chairman E) Sheriff Department hosting Senior Citizen fish fry in Chisholm Community Center on Friday, 25May at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. F) EMA suggests some "weight" on Washington Road project on FEMA with Senator Beasley and Representative Warren's involvement. G) Maxwell storms shelters are now safe houses H) House District 82 candidate Johnny Ford spoke for 6 mins without interruption about financial support for one of his causes, has visited with every county commission in Dist. 82, will be "advocate for towns and counties", economic development for Tallassee and Wire Road, and lighting along I85. I) a lot of dust on Tysonville Road, while a lot is taken from the town and little in return.
Adjourned 5:30 p.m.
Monday, 9Apr2018 general session, Attendance: Chair and all commissioners, Frank Lee, Mr. Ware, Erika, and Fred Gary Sr. in for Bridgett, Susan Thomas.
- Public comment A) Frank Dillman's Open Records Requests for March and April 2018 financial reports as provided the commissioners was refused by the chair, directing me to give to my attorney, who is to give it to the county attorney and then the chair. B) Wiley Kirk asked for donations for Albert Daniels medical care B) Kimberly Wray briefly on her work session presentation C) Mrs. Hill, spokesperson with several citizens spoke of the rash of breakins at District 2 community center including sewing machines and a computer still in the box. Beer bottles tossed about the center and grounds. Maxwell replied video cameras caught people with masks who appeared to be familiar with locations of cameras and interior contents. Deductible per Ms. Thomas is $2,500.
- New Business A) Robin Collins hired replacing a former investigator B) Healthcare Authority has two open positions, chair not prepared to nominate C) Businesses who fail to pay the county Business Privilege (Extortion) fee will be charged.
- Reports (NOTE it seems now a policy for all reports is to be submitted therefore either shortening the meetings or keeping details from citizens, or both.) A) Road and Bridge's patching machine is ready to be brought back from shop. Robinson wants CR24 to be next in line for patching. CR9 work should begin in about 6 weeks. East Wire Road closed for bridge repairs. Wanting NO Truck signs on CR 54W. EMA Director will coordinate a meeting in Atlanta with Region 4 FEMA personnel for road repairs that happened in December 2015. B) Finance - revenue has slow "tremendously". C) EMA - Safe Room in Chisholm Center for Little Texas with multiple purposes. work session, 5:06 p.m. Annex. Attendance: Chair and all commissioners, Frank Lee, Mr. Ware, Erika, and Fred Gary Sr. in for Bridgett. D) RSVP - three year grant just expired hoping for a renewal. E) Community Corrections - Mr. Davis's employee stated the state is very pleased with the program and expecting the second half of the $56K start up assistance. 13 clients in program. DHR paying for 2 administrative staff. F) Chair's report 1) Senate and House resolutions for naming some of CR 81 in memorial to Harold Powell differ slightly 2) order signs for Powell Road 3) Multiple resolutions including Milton McGregor and Rodney Douglas 4) Taste of the Wild April 21 from 10 am to 3 p.m. 5) county and Shorter partnership for Macon County water tower. 6) another water tower off CR 20 for fire protection
- Adjournment: 7:15 p.m.
Monday, 9April work session Presentations - Kimberly Wray, Director, Commission for Community Action spoke of the need and necessary county financial assistance to continue the Rural Transportation Program in a "strong relationship". The program needs about $10K/month to afford 5,200 rides per year for about 100 (?) citizens.
Chair said the licensing for VictoryLand is $25/machine with a judicial ruling the fee must be equal to the highest fee in local area (Shorter) as compared to what the county was taxing at over $5K/machine.
Monday, 2Apr2018 recess session, 10:05 am All commissioners and chairman, Frank Lee, Mrs. Benjamin, and Erika in attendance.
Business - A) Liability Insurance -waiting on quotes, chairman authorized to continue forward B) Renewal of RDS contract signed yesterday by chairman, commissioners ratified his actions C) a paving contract of $220K awarded to East Alabama Paving.
Monday, March work and general session - misplaced my notes.
Monday, 12Feb2018 General Session 6 p.m. Annex.
- Public Comment - A) Susan Allen of Notasulga spoke of "concerns and apathy" of uncaring county and finds its behavior "baffling." Showed a picture of extremely malnourished dog she rescued. The county lacks "decency" and stated she had provided copies of the law to the chair for his review. B) Frank Dillman provided Open Records Requests for March financial report and a request for cover letters and county forms used by citizens, less me, for Open Records Requests because Robinson recently stated "citizens" were asking for public records. Advised the Chair he has about 12 such requests of mine.
- Public Address system on
- Chairman again stated the A) county needs revenue with the A/C and boiler system with 3 units require replacement. "I am not sure if we can make it through another summer" Maxwell said referring the the A/C system. B) Furthermore he stated the jail is in "really need of additional work" for about $200K. C) Additionally requested and was granted permission to move forward to refinance a bond for additional capital.
- Commissioner Berry in response to my request motioned and it was approved that the county contact the cell phone and internet providers in our area for dependable coverage. Robinson second and unanimously approved.
- Probate Judge again spoke of the need for temp employees in his office for 3.5 months to learn the work of the office and that the expenses will not cost the county "anything" because it will come from his budget.
- County is interested in purchasing 29 to 30 A adjourning the 199 property, hoping for an industrial park. Try to negotiate with funds from Capital Improvement Fund.
- 31March at noon, Easter Egg hunt and 28Apr Taste of Wild Game.
- Chairman "Please help us" in picking up litter every other Saturday beginning the first weekend in April.
- Exit 38 construction beginning.
Monday, 12Feb2018 work session 5 p.m. Annex. Attendees: unrecorded unsure other than Huffman, Chair, Berry, Robinson, B. Gray
- Audrey and Andrian McDonald spoke of their neighbor Susan Allen's dog rescue is annoying with order and noise. Ben Johnson of 1405 CR 37 also spoke of the need of Allen's rescues being moved to a county shelter. Maxwell replied the county does not have a shelter but only a holding pen for 7 days and then euthanized. The county also does not have any means of transporting or housing wayward cattle and horses. Audrey asked of how and where the donations the rescue receives are being utilized. Commissioner Robinson said he county has adopted state law to address issues like this, directing his comment to county attorney. The chair told the attorney to get ordinances to "explore to find what we need to do."
- Ben Rachley introduced Professor Daniels about his renditions of a military and confederate recognition park with appropriate monuments. Too bad the chair did not direct the presentation to be on the wall mounted monitors for all to see. There will be a time line from War Between the States including Colin Powell and Barack Obama, an engraved wall of fallen veterans, brick purchase walkway. Maxwell said the City must be consulted as it tends to the grounds.
Monday, 8Jan2018 general session 6 p.m. Annex. Agenda Minutes. Attendees: All Commissioners, Chairman, County Engineer, County Attorney, County Administrator, Administrative Assistant to Chairman, Personnel Director, EMA Director, Revenue Commissioner.
- New Business
- Brian Ware, compliance officer - employee of the month.
- Appointments: Jan Fountain Dist 4 to Library Board and Debra Ellen Dist 3 reappointed to Healthcare Board.
- Segment of Hwy 80 West named in honor of Harold Powell, unanimously approved.
- Resolution for Mr. or Ms. Simons for 30+ years on Healthcare Board.
- Reports. A) Chairman's report during work session B) All other reports previously submitted most without any discussion - all reports unanimously approved.
- Old Business A) Probate Judge wants to hire temporary employee to learn the office work as two may be retiring soon.
Monday, 8Jan2018 work session 5 p.m. Annex. Attendees: All Commissioners, Chairman, County Engineer, County Attorney, County Administrator, Administrative Assistant to Chairman, Personnel Director.
- Public Comment.
- Pastor Mindingall voiced concerns of Pleasant Springs Drive not having a detour sign directing traffic away from yet repaired bridge. Berry urged the ladies present to write letters and Maxwell not unsure the work stopped on the washed out bridge when President Trump assumed office. Easy for Maxwell to say and then wonder why it might be true.
- Andrew Smith, National Guard, fears for his childrens' and his safety when motorists turn around with anger and speeding when encountering washed out Washington Ave bridge.
- A third speaker suggested detour signs be placed on both sides of the bridge where a turnaround would be more acceptable.
- Thompson motioned to name a segment of Hwy 80 in honor of Harold Powell
- Chair
- County cleanup campaign beginning "No littering signs" for a $500 fine, organize citizens to adopt to pick up litter along right of ways.
- Some businesses not paying business privilege (extortion) fees and will be notified of legal measures if not complying.
- Employee of month: Brian Ware, compliance officer
- Reports
- Community Corrections Program, Mr. Davis. County computers tapped into AOC makes processing of clients easier to develop individual service plans. Currently 7 clients
- Compliance - 3rd Saturday garbage pickup. Maxwell still providing the littering criminals an opportunity to pick up their trash instead of citing and placing them before a judge.
- District 4 Commissioner - sometime in March Coach Threadgill will be inducted into the AHOF for his coaching at Notasulga
- District 1 Commissioner - asking about District 1 storm shelter. Maxwell says it is moving along.
Monday, 11Dec2017 in District 4 Recreation Center therefore there was no work session. My regularly expected commentary and notes from the meeting will be uploaded soon (I hope.) For now, watch our chairman deny a member of the press the right to place the tiniest of tiny microphone.
Monday, 13Nov2017 general session. Agenda, Minutes. Attendees Attendees Vice Chair Berry, remaining 3 commissioners, Mses. Collins, Thomas, Benjamin and Engineer Smith and attorney Grey, Sr.
- Public Comment: I provided 4 open records requests to the acting chair, explaining two are unfilled from the last meeting, district 4 rec center ground work and October and November financial reports. The two new requests for December financial report and a copy of the county approved budget. I also inquired about bridge outage on CR67 for Jimmy Allen Daniel, of Montgomery, who has documents of multiple attempts of attempting to know when the bridge will re-open to access his land. Berry said he called Daniel's place of business, left message, and no reply. I provided Daniel's cell, he provided me during our FBook and IM exchanges.
- Coach provided the blessing for the meeting.
- New business. A) No action taken on inmate health care B) All reports were pre-filed, of which I voiced my concern to Berry after the meeting. Berry announced his wife, Helen, has been in EAMC for 2 weeks. C) Mary Harris - Employee of November (November 2016 and 2017). D) resolution for educating the public on recycling and a number of roll off recycling trailers about the county E) opened bids for scrap county vehicles. Squad leader Robinson was one bid to be of "reasonable value," after it came in at $100. Minimum bids as I recall when these vehicles were approved for sale was dismissed. Well what is it, not wanting a minimum bid and rejecting one the county is dissatisfied with?
- December meeting will be in District 4 rec center at 6 p.m.
- 6:34 p.m. Recessed to 28Nov at 0900 in the Annex
Monday, 13Nov2017 work session. Minutes Attendees Vice Chair Berry, remaining 3 commissioners, Mses. Collins, Thomas, Benjamin and Engineer Smith and attorney Grey, Sr. Audience, Sheriff
- Presentation by Mike (?) about inmate health care provided by his company affording the county savings on prescriptions, routine and emergency medical care, dental care, mental health, and less ER visits, and on medical supplies. Annual about $76K includes on-site RN, Dr. Johnson with drug addiction experiences will make personal visits every other week and on-call 24/7.
Tuesday, 10Oct2017 6 p.m. general session Agenda, Minutes Attendees Chair, all commissioners, Mses. Collins, Thomas and Benjamin, Attorney Grey and Engineer Smith.
- Public comment: I provided three Open Records Requests to the chair, October and November financial reports as provided commissioners, awarded contractor and a copy of the contract for District 4 recreation center ground work
- PA system remained all throughout the meeting after being asked by Adam Broach of East Alabama News.
- New Business. A) Holiday scheduled approved B) Engineer CR 56 hopefully on Oct. 23 begin resurfacing C) EMA projects into county to explain home storm/emergency preparations D) Corrections fully certified for the position and to date one client and has requested 5 from the state, who may be here in 5-7 days. Received 7-8 requests. E) RSVP - previously submitted report "in the cloud," per Maxwell
- I left at 7:24 p.m. when recessed to Executive Session.
Tuesday, 10Oct2017 5 p.m. work session minutes Attendees: Chair, all commissioners, Mses. Collins, Thomas and Benjamin, Attorney Grey and Engineer Smith
- blessing from the chair
- holiday schedule was discussed
- Arts and Cultural Council presentation by Stephanie (?) and Kathy (?) and Diane Robinson
- CR 56 road work is to begin late October
- mentioned a county wide recycling program
5:55 p.m. "Recess" ?
Thursday, 27Sep2017 continuation meeting. I refused to waste my time attending what could have and was the final 2018 budget hearing. Regrettably, the agenda is not tied to the parent meeting, in this case , which permitted anything to be added to the agenda without citizen eyes.
Monday, 25Sep2017 1 p.m. continuation meeting. Minutes Chair, all commissioners, Mses. Collins, Thomas, and Benjamin and Engineer Smith were in attendance. The next budget meeting, with 3 extra copies in front of the county administrator and again I was the only one in the audience, was called to order at 1:06 PM.. Upon the agenda being approved about 1:15 p.m., I refused to sit there being ignored and as not receiving a reason to why I was not entitled to a copy of the proposed budget last meeting, I left.
Thursday, 21Sep2017 continuation meeting. Minutes Chair, all commissioners, Mses. Collins and Thomas, Attorney Grey, Engineer Smith present. On a mission to further control the curtain between citizens and their public officials.
- Before the meeting began, A) Maxwell was quick to state the new meeting policy - honestly do not recall it being openly discussed and I would expect the five of them knowing about "serial" meetings in our Open Meetings Act. Within this new policy, which as of 26Nov2017, I have seen nothing on-line or have I received a written directive to support their policy of having all video equipment to the back of the annex if equipment is "taller" than me and must be set up before the meeting, and forbidden the use of a wireless or wired microphone on the dais - other than the one the county uses every meeting. B) reluctantly Maxwell granted my request for one of several extra copies of the proposed budget to be discussed during this meeting. By the look on the squad leader of open records Robinson' s face, if he had a shot gun he may have used it on the chair for granting my request - which was short lived once the meeting was called to order.
- Within minutes of the meeting being called to order, the chair by law announced the commission was to recess to Executive Session to "discuss" the county's developing open records policy. The squad leader included "good name and character." I had to leave the chamber being the sole citizen in the audience, how about some testosterone patches? True to their plan, after the Executive Session, I was directed to return the proposed budget and as I did - a mistake I will regret for years, I asked if I could pay reimburse the county for the paper, "No," said the chair, who also repeated his negative response when I asked if it would be on-line.
- Quite honestly, this is getting out of hand and continues to escalate over the county's now routine denials of my request of the "street addresses" where Maxwell used his county issued WEX gas card. I use the rights guaranteed by Alabama Code, the commissioners have learned probably everything they know of the Meetings and Records Act from me. The flex their 10 sets of Biceps Brachil because they can, and I flex mine. These guys are truly a major part of the political picture of Macon County so many declare as "corrupt."
Being the only person in the entire annex unable to follow along on what will eventually become my county's 2018 budget, I left the meeting.
Monday, 18Sep2017 6 PM.. Cotton Valley Community Center. Meeting rescheduled from 11Sep because of of bad weather. Agenda, Minutes In attendance chair, all commissioners, Mses. Gray, Thomas, Benjamin, Collins. Good size audience with EMA director, who was denied the routine percentage increase in his salary coming off probation, and Compliance Officer. Interesting that ole Wiley had to share with the commission and public during public comment looking for either their support or sympathy in that "Mr. Dillman on Facebook" wrote I wear "diapers" and Irene the donkey is an "ass." A new low for the county was experienced when the squad leader unleased a 2-3 minute cathartic rant speaking directly to me saying someone lies and spin the truth. We locked eyes for his entire rant, I hope he feels better; I not phased. Interrupted him at one point asking if he was calling me a "liar," which he was because he was directly looking at only me, but denied it.
Tuesday, 22Aug, through Thursday, 24Aug 2017 If you were wondering where your county commissioner was during this time frame. Here you go. I still question why spend tax dollars EVERY YEAR for tax-paid trip (boondoggle) to the COMMISSIONERS' association, Association of County Commissioners of Alabama, who cares more for its members than the general public - look to see which policies their association is opposed to; Open Records Act, Initiative and Referendum, Recall, Property Rights, Open Meetings Act. By the way all of the links on this 2014 previous version works. We hear too often, the county is broke, ya wonder why.
Friday, 18Aug2017 10:00 a.m. continuation meeting. Agenda, Minutes. All commissioners in attendance, Mses. Thomas, Collins, Benjamin, and Smith. Before the meeting was gaveled Commissioner Robinson, who appears to have a greater problem with video recordings of the meetings than the others, removed my small wireless mic (skinner and slightly taller than a pack of cigarettes) from the side of the dais. He physically removed it and placed it on the chair next to me. I replaced it and a heated exchange ensued. Commissioner Thompson without taking a breath told the chair "call security." I was then directed by the chair I needed permission to place it on the dais. During public comment, I asked for permission and was denied. I will write the chairman and ask by what ordinance, policy or law I was denied the right to place a small microphone on the dais before the meeting started. I will later share my letter and his reply here. If the commission had any concerns of having an informed electorate, they would turn on their mics and not speak softly, and advertise these continuation meetings for more than a construction or supplies bidder, a newspaper reporter, and me in the audience. Having brought their desire to avoid the public to the commission multiple times, it is obvious they care less.
- Public comment - Frank Dillman asked to replace his wireless microphone on the dais. The chairman denied my request.
- New Business - A) opened and awarded bids. B) briefly discussed and approved the county open records "procedure" to be incorporated into the county "ordinance." My copy of the county new public record policy.
- Monday, 14Aug2017 6:00 p.m. general session, Agenda, Minutes and Financial report. Commissioners present, Mses. Gray, Collins, Thomas, Benjamin and Mr. Smith. Audience: Revenue Commissioner Gandy, EMA Director Frank Lee.
- Public Comment - Chief Ellis stated in Feb. of this year asked for 1/4 mile of road to be resurfaced, discussion started during 2016 election season of a walking trail, and fencing promised and "nothing happened."
- Agenda, County Solid Waste Exemption, Frank Dillman applied for an extension of his county solid waste exemption. With his annual applications, he has been exempt from the county program since its inception.
- Employee of the Month: Gertrude Benjamin3
- Reports: A) Smith provided estimates for specific road way maintenance, accept David Hurley's resignation, much to the pleasure of the chairman, and unpaid invoices for county Road and Bridge work for school board and City of Tuskegee will be handled by the chair. B) Some discussion into county open records policy - county attorney stated the county can not charge the requester of public records for her review time. C) resolutions former Notasulga Police Chief J. W. Tapley's family upon his passing and Sheriff Brunson and his family for the passing of his dad. D) Mr. Lee provided his report. E) Mr. Davis, stated the county has received $29K from the state for the county corrections program. In two weeks state clients should begin arriving. F) Sept. meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. in District 2 community center on Hwy 29 South.
- 7:15 p.m. Recessed to Friday, 18Aug2017 at 10 a.m.
Monday, 14Aug2017 5:00 p.m. work session Commissioners present, Mses. Gray, Collins, Thomas, Benjamin and Mr. Smith. Audience: Revenue Commissioner Gandy, EMA Director Frank Lee.
- Discussion: Road and Bridge estimates for specific road repair project and attorney stated the commission can not charge a citizen for their open records request for her time in reviewing the material.
Tuesday, 25July2017 10:00 a.m. Continuation meeting. Agenda. Minutes. All commissioners present, less Thompson (arrived at 10:33 a.m.) Mses. Benjamin, Collins, Gray and Mr. Smith.
- Business: A) Added agenda item: Ms. Diane Robinson asking for a letter of intent to be submitted with two $30K cultural arts Delta Regional Creative grant applications. Ms. Robinson said the black theatre would be an attractive addition to other tourist sites in Tuskegee. Commissioner Robinson stressed this grant is for people of "all colors." The group will have community fund-raisers and have a production with 6-12 performances in the theatre, the former Tuskegee Post Office, holding 80 people. The county offered at this time in-kind assistance. B) Subdivision Regulation: Berry highly opposed to the proposed plan being too complex and wants it simpler and easier for the citizens to use. Robinson is concerned about neighboring property values and if the subdivision roads, etc. meet county standards the county will maintain the roads, if not, the county will not maintain the roads into the subdivision. Attorney to review the regulation for 14Aug2017 meeting. C) Berry stated the suspended county open records program should be reinstated. Robinson who made the motion to suspend the state law during the 10Jul2017 meeting motioned to have his original motion rescinded. Thompson seconded and it was approved unanimously. Maxwell stated the policy already exists, waiting on attorney fees, which has been opined by the AG a citizen can not be charged for attorney review (see 14Aug2017).
Monday, 10Jul2017 6:00 PM.. East Alabama Now recording, Agenda, Minutes, Financial report
- Public Comment: A) Frank Dillman providing a check for public records and asking for the invoice on the golf cart I saw the Engineer driving on Hwy 199. Robinson blew up stating the county does not have a golf cart and cut me short of my three minutes upon answering a question from the chair. As usual, the chairman following Robinson's lead ended my comment at 2 minutes and 20 seconds. It is becoming very evident to me that Robinson is a hot-head, and rude on many occasions and has totally forgotten I don't serve him, he serves me. B) Wiley Kirk, as old and as childish as he is and most likely wearing diapers instead of Depends, said his Irene, the Donkey, is celebrating her birthday and asked the commission to ask "Mr. Dillman to donate $50K for a statue" for his ass. Can always expect something novel from his mouth. C) Berry was recording me with his phone and a women stated if the county is going to record its citizens, that should be "advertised." Berry immediately put his phone aside.
- Employee of the Month: Murray Baker
- New Business: County Open Records Policy or "ordinance" as corrected by Robinson. Robinson and Thompson, the two driving forces to throw obstacles at citizens asking for public records. Robinson, the Open Records Squad Leader, wants citizens to reimburse the county for administrative time to obtain and organize the requested records and reimburse the county for mandatory attorney review of all documents before being given to the citizen. If he read the law, he and his teammates, would have known throwing an obstacle for attorney fees is not permitted by AG opinion. Also motioned to suspend Alabama's Open Records Act until next meeting; unanimously approved.
- Reports: A) Engineer asking for a dollar per hour raise for Aubey Humphreys; approved. B) EMA director stated his will require add ti on al supplies within the next budget. C) Community Corrections Mr. Davis reported his training and contacts with local agencies, such as mental health, DHR continues. Three routes of where the clients may originate, in lieu of prison at $10/day from the state, probation violation, and direct from Department of Corrections (DOC). "Safety first. Low Tolerance." D) Chairman said refinancing of bonds for better interest is being examined by the county. An A/C compressor in the court house may need replacing. He hopes the unit will last through the summer.
- 7:05 Recess to Tuesday, 25Jul2017 at 10:00 a.m.
30Jun2017 11:00 a.m. Chisholm Community Center, Emergency meeting. Minutes.
Monday, 12Jun2017 6:00 p.m. Agenda Minutes All commissioners, Ms. Gray, Compliance Officer, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Collins, Mr. Smith. Noted in the audience was my grandson who stated on our way home from his first encounter with county government, he wants to return for more meetings.
- Public Hearing - School Superintendent Dr. Brooks presented her case for a full athletic complex for all public school, TU, and recreation leagues, stating in her hour long presentation that all county track and field teams must travel to AU to use their facilities. Her vision for the track and field facilities, soccer fields, tennis courts, a swimming pool, and an indoor football practice field can be supported by any number of taxing means, as she stated we are "not married to any source." My preference inasmuch as the county has difficulties managing our tax dollars today is to take the needed revenue proportionally from participating entities. She also suggested a "special election," using Auburn as an example. Folks who know, the "needed" revenue only came from a costly and specifically timed special election upon it failing during the general election. During that special election, close to only 15% of the voters voted representing the other 85% who stayed home. Special elections are not good if one wants to hear from all of the electorate. Dr. Brooks will conduct town hall meetings throughout the county before the commission takes any action, which must be taken before the August County Commission meeting.
- Public comment, I read an Open Records request asking for the contracts between WEX, Inc and the county since 2012 in my 2 year quest for street addresses where the county sedan received fuel. I also reminded the chair he has an outstanding request for the county's newly purchased vehicles, including the new golf cart I saw the Engineer driving down Hwy 199. Wiley Kirk pleaded and was granted a second opportunity to speak during the public comment segment. His and other similar requests have always been denied until this meeting after the chair told him it was not to be a rebuttable to my comments. Will Wiley being a man of his word when convenient for him, virtually kissed the commissioners with his rhetorical and personal admiration of the commission and immediately challenged the commission to charge me for my open records requests because the county has more important things to do than handle my requests. I jumped up when he finished demanding to speak and was repeatedly being told by the chair to "sit down" and "you are out of order," to which I refused. Following a brief recess to restore order, I was granted "15 seconds" to speak; took less than a minute to make my unhurried comments pointing to Dr. Brooks behind me that I have paid the school board for their open record replies in the past so I have no qualms about it now. Also took it upon myself to remind the commission, after it was noted I am questioning the county as if they were "crooks, that the county was caught moving $1.25 M from the Capital Improvement Fund and must repay it to the General Fund - per the state auditors.
- Dr. Aaron McCall, Managing Director and an 8-year member of the South Central Broadband Commission addressed the commission and audience asking for "only" a commitment from the county for $100,000 for 5 years to provide a wireless network for computer, TV, and internet. After not being forthright in answering what the monthly residential service rates would be, I asked him, "Are you asking for $500,000 from the county for a service I would have to pay for?" "Yes," was his response, to which I replied "That'll be a tough sell and do you also sell cars?" Oh yea, speak of the lack of transparency in our county government; here is a guy who the chair knows and most likely placed him on the agenda, asking for a commitment of $500,000 all the while NOT disclosing he is the the Treasurer of that commission and he had to have known of the previous grant of $59M being terminated by the federal government in 2012 after floating a $3.5 million bond, reported by Fred Guarino of the Greenville Advocate. No questions of conflict here is it, Wiley Kirk?
New business:
- The combined tag and probate office will be in the old registrar office, Bob Pearson is rolling over in his grave.
- Bids opened for two parcels of county land for sale: one on Hwy 22 with a bid of $8+K and the second on Hwy 2 for $2,013.02.
Reports: With the new electronic format where all county
employees and commission are reading from a Verizon tablet, the hard copies
of reports are not disseminated as before and asking for them is now
- A) Chairman, nothing of significance. B) Mr. Davis, the Community Corrections Program Administrator introduced himself and provided a brief update of his training and meeting with local departments "to get this done." C) Engineer, Attorney, Finance, EMA, Compliance reports provided.
- My grandson and I left when the commission went into Executive Session, upon the County Attorney's request at 2058.
- After "Pleading their greed," for the Great Give-Away all the way to our statehouse, this is the first district meeting I can recall NOT having snackies as justified by Maxwell, two commissioners, one supporting commissioner, and two citizens in stating the commissioners need their pay raise for taking their money from their pockets for these snackies - which my wife and I have contributed homemade cookies and drink several times to District 4 meetings.
Monday, 8May2017 6 p.m. General Session. Agenda Minutes All as below except addition of Fred Grey, Jr. filling in for his county attorney wife and the departure of Haygood.
- Employee of the month: Jason Lawler, Property Assessor
- Public Comment: I spoke of the Great Give-Away. The man who will argue anything I say, Wily Kirk spoke, as expected, in favor of his buddies sucking from the county coffers in the name of the Great Give-Away.
- Reports: A) Revenue - revenue is "very very slow" B) Compliance - payment stickers should be on garbage cans - Robinson said to advertise the 3rd Saturday garbage sites and times. C) EMA - working on an emergency weather alert system, Barron's, which is in use in other counties. Attended Cyber Alert and Active Shooter for citizens and county with Texas A&M. Developed a storm shelter inspection sheet. Plotting areas for emergency sirens. D) Chairman - All Macon County Days 25 and 26 August
- Discussion of how low rider tires are having their rims and tires damaged because of the condition of the roads and subsequent claims against the county. Claims were being handled by the Engineer and the Administrator unbeknownst to the Chair, who wants all claims first sent to him.
- June 12, 2017 District 1 county commission meeting at 6 p.m.
- Adjourned 7:24 - Robinson asked for an executive session, attorney said
"No," it had to be on the agenda.
Monday, 8 May2017 5 p.m. Work Session. All commissioners, Engineer, Administrative Assistant, County Administrator, Personnel Clerk, EMA Director. In the audience, Mayor Haygood.
- Community Corrections Program. Maxwell stated he expects "extra revenue beyond expenses." Some counties have not gotten the $58 K start-up but Macon will. Security concerns for the employees and citizens of the 60 to 80 prisoners the county is to receive from the state. Robinson asked if they are "hardened criminals." The Revenue Commissioner who stated the majority of his employees are female and they have grave concerns for their own safety where the prisoners will be "unsupervised" during their frequent visits to the administrator's office directly across from their office. The Revenue Commissioner is also objecting to his security officer having the additional responsibility of ensuring safety in the area when in fact he is hired to escort employees to the bank. Commissioners and Rev. Commissioner expressing a lot of concern with this money making project. Maxwell stated several times "We'll make it work" as we have no choices. (My comment: dollars over safety of employees and citizens?)
- EMA Director wanting clarification of Ben Rachley's county responsibilities. Berry mentioned Rachley drives a vehicle with a blue county tag.
- adjourned 5:53 p.m.
Monday, 21Apr2017 9:00 a.m. Continuation meeting. Agenda Minutes
- As can easily been seen on the linked agenda there was one item listed to be discussed and handled by the Commission, at the last minute the Commission saw fit to add 5 items to the agenda. Troubling knowing the agenda was finalized but a day to two in the past.
- Community Corrections: $58K start up fee; 1/2 at start and 1/2 at 6 months. Maxwell suggested a Mr. Jonathon Davis, who he interviewed, was hired by the commission without the interview process because of his "unclassified" status and not wanting any benefits other than salary ($35K suggested by Maxwell and unanimously approved with a budgeted $45K) and medical coverage. Davis assisted in writing his job description. He at first only wants a one year contract. As an "unclassified" employee, to sweeten the pot, he can be "fired at will."The county is fortunate to be receiving the start up money because most counties are not. Davis will require a county vehicle, an administrative assistant, and office space. State will pay the county $10/day per each prisoner and each client will pay the county $40/month and cover all lab expenses. The county will not receive any expenses if prisoner assigned from county judges.
Monday, 10Apr2017 6:00 p.m. General Session Agenda Minutes Finance Attendees: full commission, Engineer, County Attorney, County Administrator, Personnel Director, Administrative Assistant. Denise Pilato and Sheriff in the audience.
- Erika Collins - employee of the month
- New Business - A) county ATRIP resolution, B) County Corrections Program C) court house renovation "99% complete."
- Adjourned 7:49 p.m.
Monday, 10Apr2017 5:00 p.m. Work session. Entire commission, Personnel Director, County Administrator, County Attorney, Engineer, Compliance Officer. Audience: Sheriff.
- Verizon Wireless Representative spoke of additional services available to the county.
- Complaints by a married couple of the stench and barking at all hours at a neighbor's house, who are presenting themselves as the county humane society. They stated 75-80 dogs are housed there and their neighbor sell some dogs and puppies. Compliance Officer and Sheriff's Department have been previously engaged. Compliance Officer stated necessary documents have not been given to his office - tax exempt and health documents to name two.
- Karl Morgan, of Think I.N.K. Recycling, asked for the use of an abandoned blue county building on Hwy 29 for a county wide recycling program. He was told to get an estimated cost to get the building to code. In my opinion, the county was discouraging and uncooperative. (NOTE: 17June2017, Karl has not been back to another county meeting.)
Monday, 13Mar2017 6:00 p.m. All commissioners, Ms. Gray, Mr. Hurley, Mr. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Erika Collins Agenda, Road and Bridge, Minutes.
- Public Comment: Frank Dillman read open letter to Chairman Maxwell for mailing address of gasoline purchases. Discussed items in no specific order: A) Several more board appointments following several during 13Feb meeting. B) Mr. Frank Lee, former Commission Chairman introduced as the county EMA Director and provided his report, c) Resolution for one stop tag office to be in the Annex as compared to the courthouse. Maxwell is concerned about the additional security and the heavy traffic on grand jury and court dates - approved by the three commissioners - Berry opposing, D) Easter Egg hunt Saturday, April 15, Tuskegee town square, D) Taste of the Wild, April 22, Tuskegee town square E) Robinson mentioned the county having a SportsPlex of sorts - tabled for further discussion. F) County Subdivision Regulations Public Hearing District 4 Rec Center Thursday, March 16, at 6 p.m. G) MY Notes: OUR county has finally gotten a web site and at least 9 new Verizon tablets. it is refreshing to see the county progress from the mentality of a few years past that many of the people of Macon County do not know how to use a computer, one commissioner actually stated that, yes, we were not smart enough, while he also told me his wife prints out his emails because he doesn't know anything about a computer! Our electric public servants sitting behind the elevated dais must have read my campaign literature or spoken with citizens after I did on the campaign trail. I had challenged the commission beyond counting to get a website and a free Facebook page. Now after the campaign, they must now understand the definition of governmental transparency and alone with the website the chairman placed two large monitors on two walls. It is my hope the expensive monitors are not for show and tell but for citizens seeing documents the commissioners are speaking of and persons making presentations so the citizens can know what the hell is going on. Wow, Macon County is progressing and a hell of a fight it was!
- Adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Tuesday, 28Feb2017 9:00 a.m. Continuation Meeting, Annex. Minutes
Tuesday, 21Feb2017 10:00 a.m. Continuation Meeting, Annex. Minutes
Monday, 13Feb2017 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting, Annex. Agenda, Minutes. At 7:20 p.m. Commissioner Robinson moved to RECESS to Tuesday, 21Feb2017 at 10:00 a.m. in Annex.
Monday, 30Jan2017 10:00 a.m. Annex. - Minutes. Not sure of this meeting's classification; was it a continuation or a regular meeting? As far as I am concerned, neither. Inasmuch as the 9Jan2017 was adjourned (I have it on video), this meeting was not properly advertised and therefore did not meet the minimum requirements of advertisement. Worse yet, business outside the intent of this meeting (per the 9Jan meeting) took place. No agenda was provided for this meeting - Chairman stated he felt one was not needed because of only one item on the agenda. This meeting was intended to discuss the county's subdivision regulations. However, a motion was discussed and approved related to replacement windows for the burnt suit in last year's court house fire. Adjourned 12:18 p.m. My comment: In an Attorney General opinion to my inquiry of the commission's use of recessing, Chief Investigator, James E. Lambert wrote on November 19, 2015, "It appears that proper notice was given for the meetings that were continued to different dates. Notice of the new dates was given in an open public meeting, and the meeting was not adjourned." my emphasis applied.
Monday, 9Jan2017 General Session 6 p.m. Annex, Agenda, Minutes, Finance Report, Engineer Report In attendance, all commissioners and chairman, Hurley, Benjamin, Smith, Erica, Kinebrew, Revenue Commissioner Gandy.
- Public Comment: Frank Dillman asked for a copy of the ordinance for the development of the agendas.
- New Business: A)
Kelly Bass, Revenue Office, employee of the month. B) Consent Agenda 1) Dec. 12 and Dec. 19 meeting approved
2) payment of bills and invoices
3) payment of budgeted overtime.
C) Old Distinct 1 shop on hwy 29
mechanic Joe Rush interested in purchasing the land - Robinson wants
discussion with the chair and commission going forward before speaking to
Rush. D) Tuskegee Mayor wants the
approximately $300/month from tobacco tax to city parks and recreation
instead of it going to the YMCA - Montgomery.
Chair said it would require legislative action. E) Sheriff department - personnel matters, hire Savage Ligon, deputy sheriff and salary adjustments. Who's on first: 14:35 - 22:24 F) CR 47 from US29 to CR45 to named for Theodore Samuels - Huffman. G) EMA extend deadline for advertisement to Jan 29
- Reports: A) Chairman March 1) meeting at District 3 Sojourner Community Center 2) Courthouse will probably be completed of fire damage by Feb. Only thing holding up is special windows. B) Finance Director - written report, fuel tax C) Road and Bridge - written report and work session discussion. D) Attorney, legislative bill on gravel and sand tax to see if sheriff gets a portion of the tax to monitor the trucks carrying the gravel. E) Compliance "went through it during the work session," Maxwell F) EMA completed our hazard mitigation report and to advertise it in The Tuskegee News. G) RSVP - not in attendance.
- Old Business A)
Subdivision regulation (Chairman inserted during a pause in current matter of
discussion the Broadband committee will be meeting at 10 am 11Jan) 30Jan and
to receive applications on EMA director. "Jackie please put it in the paper,"
Berry as "anyone who would like to come, please know they are invited to,"
Maxwell. My comment - interesting
hearing the chairman wanting broadband in Macon County yet refuses to
a county web site or a Facebook presence!
- Adjourned: video gensession2 point 1:09
Monday, 9Jan2017 work session 5 p.m. Annex. In attendance chairman, all commissioners, Hurley, Benjamin, Smith, Erica, Kinebrew
Monday, 19Dec2016 Continuation Meeting,10:00 a.m. Annex. Agenda, Minutes
Monday, 12Dec2016 general session, 6:00 PM.., District 4 Rec Center. Agenda, Minutes, In attendance, all commissioners and chairman, Erica (?) new hire for chairman's office, Benjamin, Smith, Grey, and EMA director; Thomas was sick. Attendance: Franklin Mayor and a councilwoman, Sheriff Brunson, and Revenue Commissioner Gandy and about 24 others. According to policy, no work session was held because of the meeting being in a district.
- Public Comment: several in the audience wished the commission and county employees a Merry Christmas
- New business: Personnel issues dominated most of the meeting, A) new hires for the Sheriff, B) part-time security for Revenue Office supported and funded by Sheriff for 5 months, C) temp help for Revenue Office for 5 months, D) advertisement for EMA Director with Judy Kinebrew's Jan 2017 retirement, and E) Mrs. Samuel nomination by Huffman to serve remained of her deceased husband's Water Board term - unanimously approved. F) Discussion into a resolution for leased Road and Bridge equipment and Sheriff's need for dependable vehicles - one "wrecked" 11Dec2016 and having vehicles break down one at least requiring towing home - caused chairman to say several times "we will take care of you." Berry and Robinson asked about commercial funding which lead to discussion of the 2014 audit being completed and the exit interview being the last step to help with showing vendors and car dealers the county's financial status. G) Employee of the Year is R.L. Smith of Road and Bridge. H) Senator Beasley will be meeting with County Commission before the beginning of the Feb. 2017 legislative session to discuss county needs.
- Old Business: Community corrections program update will be provided during the 9Jan2017 meeting.
- Reports: A) Financial, a need exists for persons receiving county items to print their name before signing for receipt of goods and vendors supplying multiple departments must submit invoices to the respective departments. B) Engineer and video of his report C) Attorney - nothing to report. D) Compliance Officer on a dog bite incident. E) EMA and F) RSVP
- Recessed to Monday, 19Dec at 10:00 a.m. in the Annex
Tuesday, 29Nov2016 Continuation meeting 10:00 a.m. Agenda, Minutes, Road & Bridge understand yet another morning meeting - verbally announced to ONLY those at the previous meeting, which was unannounced as required by law. A vicious cycle - determined to keep citizens eyes and ears off our local county government!
Wednesday, 16Nov2016 Agenda, Minutes, Financial, Road & Bridge. This meeting was not advertised by law, which resulted in missing it. Seems friends and family knew of this meeting, but not the general public! And as a result of their desire to keep public from their meetings, I understand this meeting was recessed to the morning of Tuesday, 29Nov, again only those in attendance learned of the 29Nov 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, 11oct2016 6:00 p.m. General Session. Agenda, Financial, Minutes
Tuesday, 11oct2016 5:00 p.m. Work Session, Agenda, Minutes, Financial, Road & Bridge
Thursday, 29Sep2016 Continuation meeting 10:00 a.m. Agenda, Minutes
Wednesday, 28Sep2016 Continuation meeting 10:08 a.m. All commissioners and Chairman,
Smith, Thomas, Benjamin. Audience: Gandy, Brunson, Jackie Carisle of The Tuskegee News, Mr. Jimmy McGhar, and myself. Agenda. Minutes
- Old business: The budget. The majority of the meeting focused on pay raises for the jailers and sheriff department personnel. Chairman said the Probate Judge is looking for pay increases for his staff - though during last budgetary process it was approved for his staff to equally receive portions of a clerk who abandoned her job and was fired.
- Meeting recessed to 29Sep at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, 22Sep2016 Continuation meeting 10:00 a.m. All commissioners, less Robinson, Maxwell, Smith, Thomas, Benjamin. Audience Gandy, Jr., Brunson, and Menefee - late.
- Old Business: The majority of the meeting was dedicated to the FY2017 budget with the Sheriff and Revenue Commissioner asking for fair compensation for their employees. Agenda, Proposed FY2017 budget, pages 1-50 of proposed budget, and pages 51-98 of the proposed budget. Minutes
- Meeting recessed to 28Sep at 10:00 a.m.
Monday, 12Sep2016 6:30 p.m. Same commissioners and county employees as the work session. Audience: Jackie from The Tuskegee News, two others, and me. Minutes, Agenda
- Public comment: Frank Dillman spoke of the work session beginning hour in The Tuskegee News conflicts with the established hour of 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Dillman also asked for consistency in the general sessions throughout the year to begin at 6:00 p.m. Furthermore, he asked for the county reply to his letter of 11July2016 and verbal reminder during the 8Aug2016 county general session for his continued exemption from the county mandatory garbage program.
- Employee of August: Ms. Smith of the Revenue Office
- Macon County Racing Commission 2015 report
- Holiday schedule was received and modified to providing county employees the Friday, Dec. 23, to Monday, Dec. 26 off in reverence to Christmas.
- Reports: Financial presented by Thomas (including in the Sept. 12 report is a breakdown of April, May, and June's revenue and expenses by class), Engineer presented by Smith and Kinebrew. Gray had nothing to report. RSVP and Compliance Officer were not in attendance.
- Planning Board District 1 nominee Betty Davis was unanimously approved.
- Commission went into Executive Session.
- Recess to Thursday, 22Sep2016 at 10:00 a.m. with its primary purpose to discuss the budget and open Road and Bridge quotes.
Monday, 12Sep2016 5:00 p.m. Work Session. All commissioners, less Chairman Maxwell. Commissioner Robinson was the acting Chairman for this and the general session. Also in attendance, Thomas, Benjamin, Smith, Gray, and Kinebrew. Audience: Revenue Commissioner Gandy, Rev Rick Williams, Vicki Watkins, and me.
- Public comment: A) Watkins, "Chair of the Farmers Federation for Tallapoosa County," spoke to the preparation of the Macon County FY 2017 budget for assistance for a program similar to her work in Tallapoosa County. The Tallapoosa program is for students in grades 7 through 9 to introduce them to careers in agriculture. The Tallapoosa County "Ag in Action" has reached over 1300 students. Berry asked about Notasulga students who are without an Ag program to which Watkins replied this program is even more important in this case as this program may be the only ways students can learn about agriculture. B) Williams, of RWC Wealth Management with offices in Atlanta and Montgomery, spoke of the need for long term health care coverage providing facts sheets to all in the annex. Inasmuch as Williams, in my memory, is the third person presenting such a plan for county employees there should be a SOP for the county and presenter for best use of their time.
- Additional comments: A) Revenue Commissioner Gandy addressed the commission and citizens of the opening of VictoryLand on Tuesday, 13Sep, "should give us more revenue." B) Berry asked for a meeting schedule to address the upcoming 2017 budget - agreed upon continuation meetings on 22 September and if necessary, 29 September. Both meetings will be in the Annex at 10:00 a.m. C) Discussion of a road repaired by the Town of Shorter that may or may not be a county road. It is programed for reworking in April 2017 but now according to Thompson the improper repairs may be cause the planning and bidding of the road to be redone. Decided that Gray write a letter to the Town of Shorter for clarification if the town considers this segment of the road to be theirs. D) BC/BS premiums at the same level of coverage is expected to increase $85 or $86 per month. According to Benjamin some adjustments may "move us out of ObamaCare." If the county were to pick up the increase, at 100 employees x ($85 x12months) = $103,200 per year.
- Adjourned 5:45 p.m.
Monday, 8Aug2016 6:00 p.m. Cotton Valley Community Center. No work session. - I know, need to get to this meeting. With my campaign through 8Nov, my time is exceptionally tight meeting voters but here is the Agenda and Minutes.
Monday, 11July2016 6:30 p.m. Annex. General Session. Same officials as work session. Chief Ellis and about a dozen citizens, less the Sheriff Department presence. No printed agenda, financial report, or previous meeting minutes due to the courthouse fire.
- Public comment: three citizens, including Chief Ellis, spoke of roads. Two ladies thanked the commission, Robinson, Berry, and Road and Bridge for clearing overgrowth on specific right-a-ways addressed last month. Ellis again asked for a specific intersection to be clear of growth as a safety measure because of the obstructed visibility.
- County Employee for July: Mrs. Gertrude Benjamin
- Old Business. A) Approved employment of two jailers and one deputy upon completing their probationary period.
- Reports. A) Attorney having a resolution for Love's Service Center to begin voluntarily collecting the 2-cent fuel tax a year earlier and that the subdivision review will be at the next meeting. B) Engineer. C) Compliance, RSVP, and EMA personnel not present and no submitted reports. D) Finance presented a brief verbal report that will later be provided to the commissioners in written format. E) Chairman said the 1) Annual Awards Banquet will be Saturday, 30Jul, at 3 p.m. in the municipal complex. Tickets are $30, 2) repeated most of what was discussed during the work session pertaining to the court house fire and 3) asked for an Emergency Resolution for the courthouse repairs to be exempt from time consuming bidding which was approved.
- Presentation. Since 2013 I upon direction of the commission or chairman have submitted my annual garbage exemption letter to Compliance Officer David Hurley. Suddenly, Maxwell told Hurley my 2017 and further requests of mine must be approved by the commission. Note: Hurley has been professional in handling my annual applications, which begs the question why the change? Ask me via email and I'll share with you the "rest of the story." I presented a brief summary of my recycling and being exempt from garbage pickup since 1986 and how the state grants a waiver and the financial cooperation I receive from the Stone's Throw Landfill. My request was unanimously approved.
- Adjournment: 7:40 p.m.
Monday, 11Jul2016 5:00 p.m. Annex. Work Session. All commissioners, Maxwell, Thomas, Grey, Smith, Golatte - filling in for vacationing Benjamin. Audience: Sheriff Brunson, his wife, and young man who seemed to be the departmental finance person, a man who by his answers I suspect was with the Travelers' Insurance Company, the firm with the court house policy, and a couple of others. A) The majority of the work session was centered on the early Saturday morning, 9Jul2016, courthouse fire, where three offices were heavily damaged. The firewalls and proactive measures such as fire doors put into place following the last fire contained the fire and limited damage throughout the building to primarily smoke related. Specific windows will replace the lower floor ones to prevent them again being broken out to set a fire within the building. Also looking toward Homeland Security for financial assistance in enhancing the current camera system with interior office cameras and better night vision exterior units. The question remains if the building code will require an interior sprinkler system, or if not, submitting a grant proposal. Maxwell stated discussion with the insurance adjuster and the contracted clean-up crew will determine if the second and third floors can be opened Wednesday, 13Jul. He expects full recovery to take about 12 weeks. Maxwell further feels that a good amount of documents and records will be recoverable. B) Sheriff Brunson presented two requests to the commission - one asking for new patrol cars and the other comparable salary for his employees. 1) He stated the department vehicles are repaired on a daily basis by his inmates and using parts from the local auto parts store. Furthermore, several do not have air conditioning and he has had to have some towed back to the headquarters after breaking down. 2) He stated he has lost three employees within the last month because of low salary, while comparing the departmental exceptionally low salaries of his dispatcher, deputies, and jailers with other local departments. On numerous occasions he said "please" in asking for better salaries for his department. Adjourned 6:10 p.m.
Monday, 27Jun2016 10:00 a.m. Annex. I was unable to attend this meeting. Not sure who attended.
Monday, 13Jun2016 6:00 p.m. District 1, Chisholm Community Center. General Session. Attendees: Maxwell, Robinson, Berry, Huffman, and Thompson; Benjamin, Smith, Gray, Kinebrew, Thomas, and Harris. Agenda and minutes.
- Robinson welcomed citizens to District 1.
- Public comment. A) Mr.
Ellis stated the brush and branches along CR97 require trimming. B)Willie Kirk thanked the commission for bridge and road
repair in Little Texas. C) Jan ? of
Brownville asked that roads near her home be tended to and the brush along the road be cut. D) Leslie ? spoke of her community garden effort partnering with TU and Forestry Service with classes and mentoring to grow vegetables and food safety and a mobile tool shed for citizens to rent gardening tools.
- Regina Harris, accounts payable, employee of the month.
- Presentation: NNB Mentoring. An ambitious, but needed, program for the "whole community" with several levels depending upon age and sex of the young person. The lead speaker of three representatives of the group said they will offer and provide the youth "caring and compassionate adults" to assist and mentor the youth. Hands-on mentoring to give a juvenile a second chance to learn a marketable skill such as theatre, house painting, cooking, gardening, construction. Tutoring by TU and AU students when school begins will also be a component of their program. Asked the commission for permission to use the Chisholm Community Center to which Maxwell said the county would require proof of insurance.
- Reports: A) Finance; B Engineer; C) Attorney spoke of requirements for the county to surplus no longer needed property, such as two former voting sites on CR 22 and CR 2, to include a survey, an appraisal, and an advertisement for bids at the "minimum fair market value." Was asked about if the commission can move on the subdivision plan absent of input from the Planning Commission to which she answered I will have the answer at the continuation meeting; D) EMA was directed by Maxwell to notify citizens of their nearest storm shelter (about time inasmuch as they have been on the ground since 2012 and 2013!) in preparation of the pending hurricane season. Maxwell also stated that the roof of the Chisholm Community Center was prepared and reinforced to sustain a hurricane. Red Cross has 300 cots the county will pick up according to Maxwell; E) RSVP, Senior Olympics will be Aug. 5 at 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at BTW HS, county senior beauty pageant cancelled because of only three participants (as Maxwell shook his head in disbelief hearing this), a successful fish fry for over 100 seniors on May 17; F) Chairman, offered for consideration of the old Macon County Hospital Building as a CGBT grant proposal, Loves fueling center is best in sales in their region and Loves offered to begin collecting fuel tax Oct. 1, a year earlier than required by the legislation, "good movement" with economic development at Exit 38 and CSX site "still very much alive," and VictoryLand will open this summer.
- Old Business: Appointments to the Planning Commission from districts 1 and 3 - not ready, the post office nominated former sheriff David Warren to the E911 Board - unanimously approved, waiting on the Department of Corrections reply on the County Community Correction Plan, and plumbing work completed at the county jail and now on to the next phase of upgrading. Several exterior door locks will be replaced at the jail.
- Recessed to continuation meeting 27Jun at 10:00 a.m.
Thursday, 2Jun2016 1:00 p.m. Public Hearing. Attendees: Traci DeLaney, Thompson, and about 40 mins into the
meeting Robinson. Interesting the newspaper announcement stated "The county needs as much local participation as possible in order to reflect the true desires of the community as a whole.." but the hour was at 1:00 p.m. Someone should notify the chairman that people work during the day and if "as much local participation" is desired maybe the hearing should have been at the regular meeting less than 2 weeks into the future. Handout. Some very good questions and concerns by two City of Tuskegee citizens and a citizen returning to Macon County. The questions were more of general knowledge rather than specifics I believe DeLaney may have been looking for for the 2016 grant proposal. Chairman appeared to be returning from a golf outing when I walked to the courthouse 45 minutes into the public hearing.
Monday, 9May2016 6:30 p.m. General Session. Attendees: Maxwell, Robinson, Berry, Huffman, and Thompson; Benjamin, Smith, Gray, Hurley, Kinebrew, and Thomas.
Audience: many connected to the recognition of the NROTC cadets and less regular attendees as compared to the most recent meetings. Agenda, financial, compliance, Engineer, and minutes.
- NROTC Colonel spoke of his road in Shorter in such a bad condition he is forced to only drive his pickup truck on this road.
- Employee of Month: Ellis McBride
- County Commission presented each of the four cadets with their earned award for excellence and performance.
- Sister Sarah Head presented her efforts and plans to aid the citizens of Macon County by the Alabama Rural Ministry/MaconServe to on-site build 6 picnic tables and benches for the Chisholm Community Center and to stock the lake with fish from AU Fisheries Department. The to be announced ribbon cutting ceremony will include festivities and food.
- Reports:
- Chairman. a) Phase one of the jail modifications to comply with law is completed, softball policy with fees and deposits before the commission, b) All Macon County Banquet on 30July with Dr. Elaine Harrington being the guest speaker, c) All Macon County Days will be 26 and 26Aug (just after the commissioners return from THEIR association's conference - who and how many are planning on attending will be posted on this page when I find out.), and d)Thursday, 12May2016, VictoryLand president Milton McGregor will hold a press conference of the status of VictoryLand in the Tuskegee Complex.
- EMA. The $10K grant application for court house exterior cameras was rejected because of the court house being a historical site. She was told to resubmit it as a competitive grant. Maxwell said to have the re-submission to be comprehensive for the court house and community centers and monitoring by the sheriff department. So far there has been reported cases of the Zika Virus in Macon County but suggested the county address the virus with its citizens using the CDC Zika Virus page.
- Old Business. Maxwell appointed Dan Cannador(?) to replace Mrs. Swanson on the County Planning Commission. (NOTE: Immediately after the work session, the discussion involving the attorney and a couple of the commissioners continued into the subdivision regulations. Wanting to know of the regulation and its source of authority I opened the copy of the 2008 proposed regulations on my website providing the authority for the attorney and opened the actual code for Berry to read. Personally this information should be readily available to the public on the county's website but then again the county leadership does not see a need for transparency to do so.)
- Next meeting: June 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Chisholm Community Center.
- Robinson thank Road and Bridge and commissioners for their participation and help with the recent Carver Festival.
- Adjourned at 8 p.m.
Monday, 9May2016 5:00 p.m. Work Session. Attendees: Maxwell, Robinson, Berry, Huffman, and Thompson; Benjamin, Smith, Gray, Hurley, Kinebrew, and Thomas. Audience: two persons.
- Following months of delay into the county disposing itself of an extremely small piece of property adjourning his property in Shorter did not speak but his presence and long-standing request was acknowledged.
- Smith presented three bids for CR 59 and another road to the commission for opening.
- Maxwell spoke of the a) Alabama Rural Ministry wanting to speak before the commission during the general session, b) a road project's grant proposal requiring 51% of the residents on the specific road to be low income, and c) several cadets to be recognized by the commission during the general session. A survey of the residents on that particular road must be accomplished prior to the grant proposal submission.
- Smith stressed the need for the County Subdivision Plan.
- Adjourned 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, 26Apr2016 Continuation Meeting 5:00 p.m. Attendees: Maxwell, Robinson, Berry, Thompson, and Huffman; Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, and Gray. Audience: Gandy, Mr. Jessie Kitt - VP of Macon County Amateur Athletic Association, and me. Agenda and Minutes
- Revenue Commissioner Gandy reported the tax sale went well and that county should be receiving some revenue from the state as a result of the tax sale.
- Old Business.
- Mr. Kitt presented to printed plans for consideration in leasing the county ball fields for baseball games. All commissioners were strong in not locking out a couple of teams or youth from playing a pick up game. As Berry pointed out the county should not lose money while a tournament host makes money. All use of the fields should be first requested from the chairman office to ensure the fields are available and to ensure the fields are not abused. A plan, that can be modified at a later time if needed, was unanimously approved to accommodate the youth who are already wanting to use the fields. The plan approved is for a one-day tournament $200.00 and if lights are required $250.00. For a two-day tournament $300.00 and if lighting is required $400.00. A deposit is required.
- Smith, who twice said he was speaking in "code" after stating he had already spoken with all of the commission (knowing only three people in the audience) asked for a vote on his proposed resolution which was unanimously approved. NOTE: On Friday, 29Apr2016, in Chairman Maxwell's office I told the chairman as I know the law, previously speaking with all of the commissioners and asking for a vote constitutes a series of serial meetings, which is prohibited by the Open Records Law.
- At 5:45 p.m. the commission and all present county employees went into Executive Session. I left from outside the Annex at 6:15 p.m. while still in Executive Session.
- adjournment as noted in the meeting minutes:
Monday, 11Apr2016 6:30 p.m. General Session. Attendees: Maxwell; Commissioners Robinson, Berry, Thompson, and Huffman; Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, Gray, Harris. Agenda and Minutes
- Public hearing for comments for evening or morning meetings for county business was held at 6:30 p.m. as advertised with about 20 citizens in the audience. Six citizens addressed the commission, four for evening meetings, one for the morning meetings, and one who didn't mind either choice. My prepared statement. Commissioners Berry and Robinson stated the majority of their constituents want the evening meetings. Thomas stated she prefers the morning meetings and suggested that all general meetings be at 6:00 p.m. to align with the district meetings and that the work session be eliminated. Her suggestions were discussed but not acted upon during the general session when the commission decided that the work session would be from 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. and the general session would begin at 6:30 p.m., less the four district meetings which will not have a work session and begin at 6:00 p.m.
- Public comment had Mr. Jimmy McGhar asking again of the county engineer, whom was to give him a return phone call seven weeks earlier, about the need for CR 60 grading and work and notifying the commission of a car being totalled in a single car accident on the road due to the road's condition. The engineer's response lasted several minutes without an answer.
- Thelma Hartman of the Finance Department - Employee of the Month of April.
- New Business
- Future county government meetings will have the work session from 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. and the general session beginning at 6:30 p.m. except for the four district meetings, which will not have a work session and the general session beginning at 6:00 p.m. Motioned by Robinson, second by Thompson, and unanimously approved, much to the visually disappointed Maxwell.
- A Sheriff deputy replacement hire was approved.
- 911 board appointees: Sheriff Brunson appointed
- Maxwell discussed the Community Connection Program proposed - patterned after the working plan in Tallapoosa County - by Brunson which will as stated by Maxwell "shall be self-sustaining and generate money to the county." Because of prison overcrowding qualified inmates near their release would upon meeting specific conditions be permitted to live and be required to have a job outside of jail but remain eligible to be sent back to prison if conditions are violated. Robinson wants the contract between the Department of Corrections and the County to provide for annual review to ensure it remain "self-sustaining."
- County jail improvement project is about 94% complete.
- Maxwell stated the county has provided Mr. Dillman financial details of retired Revenue Commissioner Roy "Ed" Corbitt and a letter of the status of 2015 business license data he requested.
- Berry announced being told by FEMA of the exceptional work done by the County Engineer is testimony as the county being the first to receive specific federal assistance for the December 2015 flood damage.
- Harris announced dates and locations for the Mrs. Alabama Pageant.
- Reports: Financial and Road and Bridge
- Meeting recessed to Tuesday, 26Apr, at 5 p.m. in the Annex with the purpose of discussing and adopting recreational plans and fees with the Macon County Amateur Athletic Association.
Monday, 11Apr2016 4:30 p.m. Work Session. Attendees: Maxwell; Commissioners Robinson, Thompson, and Huffman; Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, Gray, Hurley, Golatte.
- Majority of meeting was used by Roland Vaughn, of Value Added Systems and Technology, presenting a plan for the Uphapee Creek Recreational Track and Trail System, something Maxwell has spoken of many times in developing a certified collegiate cross county course and walking trail on the county owned property on Hwy 199. Vaughn stated he has spoken with the municipalities, Tuskegee University Athletic Director, and Dr. Brooks, School Superintendent and all feel the location is central and interested. Vaughn suggested canoeing, a discovery trail, walking trail, soccer fields, baseball fields, a NCAA certified track, and the cross county course can be accomplished in three phases. Berry asked about liability for visitors and participants and the care and maintenance of infrastructure. Maxwell said "we must explore" those concerns. Personally, the plan is one I would enjoy seeing for county residents and visitors but financially and logistically with maintenance of the grounds, fields, bathrooms, concession stand, marking of the fields, storage of supplies and equipment I see this being a full time job not for one person but a small department, one we can not afford.
- Berry introduced Jessie Kitt who has been volunteering his time, equipment, and materials including fertilizer for the District 4 recreation center baseball and softball fields and grounds. Kitt informed the commission of the creation of the Macon County Amateur Athletic Association which has already begun Dixie Youth activities. Kitt is the VP of the Association while Lionell Armstead is the President. Was decided the Association develope a fee schedule and present it to the commission for the adoption.
- Maxwell stated the replacement of the court house roof covered some of the previous rain drainage lines and rain water is now entering the court house to an estimation of $15 to $17K in repairs. Mr. Jimmy McGhar, an insurance agent with George Clay and Associates, stated the contractor who did the work had to have had an insurance on his work and suggested the county look at the policy. Maxwell stated he has yet to do that.
Monday, 14Mar2016 6:00 p.m. General session (work sessions are suspended with district commission meetings). County Commission meeting in District 3, Prairie Farm Community Center. Attendees Maxwell, Thompson, Huffman, Berry, Thomas, Benjamin, Gray, Smith, Hurley, Kinebrew, Harris, and Golatte. Elected officials: Gandy and Meneffe. Agenda, and Minutes
- First up on the agenda was a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) public hearing - confusion and advertisement - to develop a county plan for recreation and tourism. The confusion several citizens had would have been resolved with communication to all - including Commissioners Berry and Thompson not being aware of it, not sure about Huffman. Very poorly handled.
- The bulk of the meeting consisted of comments from more than a dozen angry and frustrated citizens primarily on the poor maintenance of the local roads, trucks speeding entering and existing local rock quarry, litter and dump site, and maintenance of the community center and grounds. Mr. Collins, an 85 year old, said he wanted "concrete" answers that the commission would "keep to it" to fix Tysonville Loop being destroyed by trucks coating his car, yard, and home in a layer of dust and mud after a rain. Collins compared "you politicians" as like Presidential candidate Donald "Trump" in not keeping their promises. Thompson explained that promises were made with intent of keeping each one, however a "legislator" caused the law to be rewritten and took the $200K to $400K the county had set aside for local road work and diverted it to the county economic development board. Permitting the absence of the "legislator" being named by Thompson or Maxwell, I publicly named Representative Warren as the legislator.
- Macon County resident Jimmy McGhar stated he had spoken with Smith after seeing a private road in a subdivision being maintained with county road equipment and has yet to receive the promised follow-up telephone call. McGhar further stated that CR 60 within 200' of the private road has been neglected by the county since the heavy rains in December. No explanation was offered by Smith or Maxwell though McGhar asked for one.
- Employee of the Month for March is Ms. Susan Thomas.
- Pastor Frank provided the blessing for the food supplied by Commissioner Thompson and his wife and cooked, wrapped, and served by Mrs. Thompson.
- Other than the Engineer's report, most reports because of the length of
the meeting were brief.
- Finance
- Harris stated that any ladies over 60 years and older wanting to compete in Senior Mrs. Macon County contest must complete their application by June 15.
- Maxwell encouraged participation and public support for the 5th annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, 26March2016, at 2:00 p.m. at the City Park, across from the Tuskegee Public School.
- adjourned 7:59 p.m.
Monday, 22Feb2016, Continuation meeting 9:00 a.m. No printed agenda or reports. Attendees: Maxwell; Commissioners Robinson, Thompson, and Huffman; Benjamin, Thomas, Smith. Audience, Planning Commission Chairwoman Constance Torbert (Dist 2) and Cal Wilson (Dist 4), and me. Handouts: County Subdivision Regulations Law (11-24-1), Territorial Jurisdiction of Municipal Planning Commission (11-52-30), Vacation of Roads (23-4-1), County License Inspector (40-12-10). Minutes. "Lots of Empty Chairs" chamber photograph with only Thompson, Maxwell, Huffman, Smith, Benjamin, the requested Planning Commission members, and me until nearly 9:15 a.m. when Robinson arrived. Only one non-county representative in the chamber - ME! No wonder the chairman wants the meetings in the morning!
- Meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. focusing on revitalizing the
Planning Commission to first work on the needed Subdivision Plan. According
to Maxwell, and previously stated at several of the past meetings, growth in
residential housing is expected in the very near future and must be planned
for. Maxwell stressed the need to have an established meeting schedule and
advertised meetings to "get into place" the Subdivision Plan. Wilson stated he knows what is needed yet if members do not attend and a quorum is not obtained they can not function. Maxwell addressed Robinson, who at this time does not have an appointee on the committee, and Thompson requesting their cooperation to get their appointees to the meetings. If a member no longer wants to serve, Maxwell continued, then we have prepared letters of resignation they may use. Maxwell asked Benjamin to get the list of Planning Committee members and he will by the March meeting have his nominations before the commission.
- Interesting Maxwell stated that "Bulletin Boards are not enough for advertisement to reach the public... but does comply with the law." He stated The Tuskegee News is to be used for meeting announcements, at which time I informed him the ad in this week's paper is incorrect as it states the evenings with district meeting have work sessions.
- It was also interesting with Maxwell's statement "I know Ms. Knight works during the day," and she was not in attendance.
- Mt. Olive Church in Shorter recently recognized local elected officials of which Thompson and Maxwell attended.
- The Planning Commission is planning on meeting at 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of each month but for March they will most likely meet at the same hour but on March 17 in the Annex. Of course the public is invited.
- Next county commission meeting is in District 3 on March 14 at 6:00 p.m.
- Meeting was adjourned at - didn't record the time - so the closure of the Feb. 8, 2016 meeting has come about.
Monday, 8Feb2016 6:30 p.m. General Session. Attendees Maxwell and all commissioners, Thomas, Benjamin, Gray, Smith, Hurley, and Kinebrew. Elected officials: Gandy and Town of Franklin Mayor Sears. Agenda and Minutes
- Matt Tucker of the Alabama Forestry Commission introduced himself as the County Forester and Gary Rackley(?) as a member of the county team with the primary responsibility of fire protection.
- Employee of the Month - Veronica Golatte
- Usual procedures to approve payment of bills and invoices, overtime, and Jan minutes.
- New Business
- Sheriff staff decisions - unanimously approved.
- E911 will provide revenue to 6 dispatchers in the form of a pay raise as long as the revenues exist, retroactive to 1Jan2016. Maxwell stressed several times this is not costing the "county a dime."
- Gandy as required by law presented his projection and request for 2016 taxes to be without change.
- Maxwell led and commissioners discussed when the district meetings will be conducted: March 14 District 3, June 13 District 1, Aug 8 District 2, and Dec 12 District 4 all at 6:00 p.m. which will not be effected by his intent to move the work and general sessions to work day hours.
- Robinson displaying frustration as to not having a representative on the County Water Board as he has been trying for "10 years." His motion, seconded by Berry, is to have the board's charter modified for all citizens to have equal representation on the board.
- Reports
- Chairman. a) inmates destruction of jail has deceased but persists with bed sheets being placed into commodes and damaging the pump stations and pump costing thousands in repairs, b) "put to rest once and for all" the hours of county meetings. A proponent of workday meetings masked in my opinion because of "poor attendance" and employee difficulties. The commission decided on April 11 at the 6:30 p.m. meeting to contain a public hearing to the both the work and general session meeting hours. c) Robert Pearson, Registrar, resolution for his service to the county. The county flag was lowered and a ribbon placed on the courthouse for a week in his honor.
- Financial. Berry would like a county employee to read all gas pump meters in the county on a monthly basis to ensure the county is receiving the $.02 per gallon of gasoline sold in the county. The final result of this request was to have Hurley speak with the State Revenue Department and Thompson contact RDS. During the discussion it was stated by Smith and agreed to by Thompson that the ACT, which generated the fuel tax "does not have farm exception."
- Engineer. Certainly enjoys the spot light, often smiling to the audience as if on stage. a) At least he understands the value of Facebook and continues to upgrade the Road and Bridge Facebook page to include a means for citizens to submit work orders. The county commission lead by Maxwell still prefer to keep their actions to themselves by not having a website or Facebook page, though Maxwell has at least two personal FB pages! He also provided 334-521-2419 and Drive Alabama FB page where citizens can nominate their worse roads for work. b) requested the sub-division ordinance be discussed and finalized as soon as possible as he expects a burst of development - which led to discussion and frustration in the Zoning Committee not meeting. Options included meeting with the committee if the previous attempts would be different to the settled plan of having the committee meet with the commission - and of course which led to the advocate of recessing, Berry, stating we "Do not have to advertise if we announce the meeting tonight," which lead to the continuation meeting of Monday, Feb. 22 at 9 a.m.
- Compliance. a) Business licenses increasing. b) identified four new litter sites along with three others cleaned by those who dumped the litter, c) Berry said "many on my street," do not have garbage cans, which then led to why no one has been before Judge Biggers for non-compliance. Hurley is to speak with Biggers.
- EMA director.
- Appointments: Chairman appointed Susan Thomas and Willie Haygood to the DHR Board.
- Recess to Monday, Feb. 22 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, 8Feb2016 4:30 p.m. Work Session. Attendees Maxwell and all commissioners, Thomas, Benjamin, Gray, Smith, Hurley, and Kinebrew. Elected officials: Gandy and Town of Franklin Mayor Sears.
- Ms. Becky Carter spokesperson for CR40 residents addressed the commission of the worsening and long standing hazards of her road. She presented a petition of 40 residents and 50 visitors to the road to the commission. A lengthy discussion between Berry, Smith, and the three women who accompanied Carter, explaining the categorizing of roads with CR40 being "local" for maintenance. Carter stated in her prepared statement the road has been worked on since 1970. Smith met with the ladies upon the adjournment of the work session.
- Mayor Sears, Attorney Henderson, and city clerk presented a request for county assistance to the commission. With a glitch or two the three and Gray discussed the differences away from the meeting. Sears also thanked the commission for Hurley's services with litter and wild animals being "grateful for having him on the staff."
- Maxwell stated he was going to ask for a public hearing to address the work and general meeting hours, which was to have been discussed this evening per his comments at last month's meeting.
Monday, 11Jan2016 6:30 p.m. General Session. Agenda, Finance, Minutes
Monday, 11Jan2016 4:30 p.m. Work Session.
Monday, 14Dec2015 6:30 p.m. General Session. Attendees Maxwell and all commissioners, Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, Gray, Hurley, and Kinebrew. About 18 in the audience. Agenda and Minutes
- Public hearing on solid waste plan began with Environmental Engineer J. Wesley Caputo briefly introducing and speaking of the plan. I was acknowledged by the Chairman and began reading my prepared statement (copies provided to the commissioners, Hurley, and Caputo) when about half way into my contribution to the public hearing, I was interrupted by Robinson beginning with "I will not sit here and listen..." to which I stated to the chairman "this is a public hearing." With Robinson attempting to speak over me i continued reading my statement until the chairman gaveled us to restore order. I was directed by the chairman to skip to the end of my comments - thereby the public and employees not hearing my full statement. I was the only person from the audience to speak during the public hearing. Copies of the plan, along with other county documents, can be obtained from Macon County Commission office.
- New Business
- Solid Waste Plan for 2015 to 2025 unanimously approved with the understanding it can be amended to comply with state code per my statement.
- Extension of county business license fees unanimously approved.
- Permit the State of Alabama Personnel Department to make presentations to county employees concerning its deferred retirement plans.
- Dialysis mutual aid agreement unanimously approved.
- Reports
- Chairman spoke of the need of more money and (though the republicans are not liked by he and the commissioners) he spoke very kindly and respectfully of Governor Bentley coming to the rescue of the county by taking the gaming issue from the AG and opening the opportunity for Victoryland to once again serve our county. A public announcement is expected within a couple of weeks as to when the facility will re-open.
- Finance, negative cash balances into hundreds of thousands of dollars occupy the General Fund and Gasoline Fund. Business license revenue, between Oct. 2012 and Sept. 2013 ($185,230.00), between Oct. 2013 and Sept. 2014 ($145,756.00), and between Oct. 2014 and Sept. 2015 ($167,455.00). Business license fees for October 2015 are $53,100.00. $4,800 in new revenue compliments of the new fuel tax, split half between the county government and county economic development board. (My question, And the county is broke when now gasoline, sales, liquor, lodging, and an assortment of other taxes are collected by the county for the county.)
- Engineer. During his report Berry stated District 4 had its Christmas party "last night," to which looking at him I shrugged my shoulders causing him to clarify that the party was hosted by a group, I do not recall knowing their name.
- Planning to honor Tuskegee University football program for progressing a historic level in the conference playoffs, Maxwell also said that Tuskegee is the home of the semi-pro and very successful football team, Tuskegee Ayrmen. Coach Jones of Notasulga High School football was mentioned as to being recognized by the Opelika Auburn News for Coach of the Year.
- Meeting adjourned 7:21 p.m.
- Immediately following the official adjournment of the meeting Berry reminded Maxwell about January's meeting being earlier because of the football game - no public discussion took place only among themselves without a public announcement toward this change of hour - Maxwell announced the January general meeting will be at 5:30 p.m.
Monday, 14Dec2015 between 5:10 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. the four commissioners and chairman discussing changing January's meeting to 5:30 p.m. to accommodate watching the collegiate football game. The Chairman and Commissioners Robinson, Thompson, and Huffman were in their seats while Berry was standing to the Chairman's right facing the dais. A quorum was present, discussing county business, and no public announcement of any type.
Monday, 14Dec2015 4:30 P.M. Work Session. Attendees Maxwell and all commissioners, Benjamin, Thomas, Smithy, Gray, Hurley, and Kinebrew. Audience: three and Revenue Commissioner, Mr. Gandy.
- A presentation by Jeremy Mitchell of the Alabama Personnel Department about deferred compensation for the county commissioners and employees. The voluntary plan will have seminars to guide in the development of personalized plans and how to invest in their plan for their desired goal upon retirement. As compared to the current plan, RSA1, the county employees have this plan would have about 35 investment options. Other options include the employee being able to borrow from their account and being able to retain the RSA1 account along with this plan.
- Kinebrew asked the commission for a resolution to provide generator emergency power and support to the Dialysis Center via a mutual aid agreement. In years past Kinebrew would handle the resolution but wants the commission to do so. This agreement is necessary for their annual certification.
- Mr. Gandy stated the tax year is ending and his office will provide an extra day for walk-in payments.
- Smith stated the Town of Shorter wants to swap a smaller piece of land with the county. Smith told them the county might be willing but the parcels must be closer in size.
- Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Tuesday, 9Nov2015 6:30 P.M. General Session. Attendees Maxwell and all commissioners, Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, Gray. Agenda and Minutes
- Employee of the Month: R.L. Smith
- Library Board members - all reinstated for another term.
- Maxwell A. NHS football this Friday evening, B. Hurley's mother is in a Birmingham hospital. C. Solid Waste Management Plan will have its required public comment at the 6:30 p.m. general meeting on Dec. 14, to "have more people here," proclaimed Maxwell. Too bad the same attitude was not present with the budget hearing held late morning of work days without advertisement! D. All veterans were asked to stand and be recognized.
- Reports
- Engineer - to request bids for burnt dozier. Positive discussion with all, less Huffman and Robinson, about moving forward with the purchase of 4 full sized dump trucks and 2 smaller dump trucks.
- Finance
- Attorney - nothing to report.
- Compliance - not present.
- EMA - ill and not present.
- RSVP - still collecting eye glasses. Thanked by Chairman for her work with Veterans Week activities. Friday, 18Dec, Christmas dinner.
- Old business
- DHR District 2 appointment - not ready.
- Jail - A. lighting project completed. One light out because wire was removed - by prisoner(?). Repaired by local electrician though lighting contract will under warranty. B. A complaint has been made of mold in the jail though after a complete inspection none could be found, nor has the complainer provided pictures or the supposed location.
- The death of the recent 5 year old by county school bus has named the county in the suit for $1M.
- Adjourned 7:22 P.M.
Tuesday, 9Nov2015 4:32 P.M. Work Session. Attendees Maxwell and all commissioners, Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, Gray. Audience 6 people.
- Add to agenda of general meeting - a resolution for Notasulga Football team success and continued success into the playoffs
- Good feedback from vets speaking with NHS students earlier today.
- Continued Veteran's weekly events include parade Wednesday, 10Nov; "Meet and Greet" luncheon Veterans Day District 4 Rec Center on Wednesday, 11Nov; Fish Fry for the community to celebrate local veterans Thursday, 12Nov on town square; service in VAH chapel Friday, 13Nov.
- Public comment -
- Kirk, speaking as he always does with disregard of specified time of 3 minutes, said the Little Texas VFD Turkey Shoot raised over $5K. Suggested putting his donkey, Irene, in the Veterans Parade and that Irene should be on the ballot - typical crap that is no longer funny or even tolerable.
- French Taylor, Jr., District 2, said his road has not been worked on in over "40 years," leading to back and forth discussion about Susie's Circle.
Tuesday, 13Oct2015 6:30 P.M. General Session Agenda and Minutes Attendees, Maxwell and all commissioners, Gray, Smith, Thomas, Benjamin, Hurley. Attendance Fred Gray, Sr.
- Public Comment: Fred Gray of the constitutionality of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Monument and town square. deed and his opinion.
- Jail bids
- Employee of Month - Mr. Ellis McBride
- Engineer bids
- Attorney will look into the protocol in selling county property.
- Maxwell said Comprehensive Health Care is in need of space for medical record storage. He suggests a formal agreement with liability, internet access, and a nominal fee such as $50/month. Try to be ready for Nov. meeting.
- Reports
- Chairman - nothing other above
- Finance
- Engineer - Charter phone and internet service $300/month for first year and $400 thereafter. Website and social media tied into with existing Revenue and Probate Judge's combined web presence. Berry said that the "sub division regulations are long overdue," wanting to finalize it once and for all.
- Attorney - Opinion of the town square
- Compliance - Solid Waste plan public hearing advertised in The Tuskegee News
- Salary adjustments: $29,000 to be equally shared by 8 employees thereby reversing Huffman's motion and subsequent unanimous approval of last month.
Tuesday, 13Oct2015 4:30 P.M. Work Session. Attendees, Maxwell and all commissioners, Gray, Smith, Thomas, Benjamin, Hurley
- Addition to agenda under old business - Salary adjustment discussed during last general meeting.
- Addition to agenda under new business - Sale of two small parcels of county land.
- Opened sealed bids.
- Salary adjustments across the board rather than for specific positions to effect 8 employees.
- Berry said the county is again not paying payroll deductions on time but using the $50K set aside by county resolution to solely make these payments when revenue is short is being used for payment of other bills. Maxwell justified his actions "until our resources improve," he must do so.
Tuesday, 29Sep2015 Continuation meeting 10:00 A.M. Agenda and Minutes. I was out of town. Budget 2015-2016, General Fund Revenue 2015-2016, and General Fund Appropriations 2015-2016
- Taking care of business and or political favors was paramount. Former Revenue Commissioner, Roy "Ed" Corbitt's retirement is costing taxpayers $64,534.08 per year until he reaches Social Security retirement age, which will then be $4,806.78 per month or annually $57,681.36, (probably not factoring in cost of living adjustments). According to in 2014 dollars the county's per capita income in 2014 was $17,290. Not bad making more than double the county's average per capita in retirement for the rest of your life. I hear ad nauseam at OUR business meetings of our tight budget, yet we are able to give the county away, like no other county employee will receive or be considered for - well except for other retiring elected public servants. This decision is squarely on the shoulders of the commission by unanimously approving an exemption of state law for maximum retirement pay AND county taxpayers paying his health insurance similar to the benefit he received as full time elected public servant until Social Security retirement age. And this was only 5 months after the county needed more taxation with their new gasoline tax. NOTE: following the county's 2-week long meeting, beginning on 14Sep and adjourning on 29Sep, I requested an opinion from the Attorney General feeling the commission was violating our Open Meetings Law. Regrettably the AG Chief Investigator James in his response dated November 19, 2015 wrote there is “…no violation of the Open Meetings Act by the Commission.” He continued, “Although this method of meeting may not be preferred, this Office finds no violation…” Apparently not in violation of law but certainly the spirit of law to have open meetings.
Tuesday, 22Sep2015 Continuation meeting 10:02 A.M. Attendees, Maxwell, all commissioners, Benjamin, Thomas, Smith. Audience, Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt and Probate Judge Menefee. Agenda and Minutes.
- Corbitt said he will be "appointed as supernumerary as of September 29 and Gandy will be appointed Revenue Commissioner on September 29." Doing as I would do but lets see if the commissioners are more interested in protecting a retired political buddy or the citizens at large. Remember, but a few months ago the county needed two new taxes and strengthening one other but do we have money for such a professional relationship? Time will tell.
- Probate Judge asked the commission divide the salary of a former clerk who left in June among the two remaining clerks who have assumed the added responsibilities. Much discussion between Robinson, Thompson, Maxwell, and Menefee as to assurance of this position not being filled in the future, including Maxwell quickly backing away from "...when I am Probate Judge - not that I am running for Probate Judge," causing Menefee to reply "I do not know what will happen after this term." These comments show some planning, Menefee retiring in 2018, Maxwell at age 68 running and serving as Probate Judge for two years because of his age. Only able to serve two years of a six year term only proves Maxwell is more interested in his personal retirement and ability to travel without any public scrutiny with his lack of best use of public funds.
- Reports
- Engineer - Discussion of needed new vehicles and equipment.
- Finance - Mentioned the 2016 budget will have 27 pay periods which will create additional challenges for pay roll.
- Chairman - A. After many years of pushing from me, he is showing interest in citizen transparency because he knows I am running for Chairman and transparency being a major part of my platform. He is asking for Annex monitors (Frank: link to a column or two specifically the one on the jail presentation. AND find the new budget document), a computer for the annex, iPads for the commissioners, website, and social media. Good morning Chairman! I do wonder of the need for the iPads. Also in his 21 century plans is scanning important documents using volunteers. B. Asking for $4.5 to $5K/year for mental health in the county's consortium of local counties.
- Berry suggested that departments be financially reviewed on a scheduled basis during the year to head off problems and to "improve our financial situation." Strong opposition from Robinson, Thompson, and to a lesser degree Maxwell.
- Recess to 29Sep at 10:00 A.M. to which Maxwell questioned about advertisement of the meeting, to which Berry replied "No advertisement."
Monday, 14Sep2015 6:30 P.M. General Session. Attendees, Maxwell, all commissioners, Smith, Gray, Benjamin. Audience, Mr. Gandy, Revenue Commissioner elect and approximately 18 others. Agenda and Minutes
- Mr. Ellis during public comment asked that the commission take action to "stop mining in Macon County," creating "one big hole...we gotta live there." Also asked that the previously discussed "walking trail" be reopened.
- Mr. Gandy announced his swearing in ceremony on 26Sep at 10:00 A.M. in the Kellog Center.
- Ms. Betty Davis, Racing Commissioner, presented VictoryLand's annual report.
- Employee of the Month: Officer Larry Baker of the courthouse.
- New Business
- County and a business are working together bringing two jobs and a lot of potential for an abatement of 50% for 20 yrs of ad valorem taxes. Hope it has a lot of potential as the abatement is generous.
- Shirley Johnson appointed to district 4 representative on DHR Board.
- Open Jail bids on Oct. 13
- Reports
- Chairman - A. 2 Jail A/C units with rusted coils, B. Bats - over 5K bats from the courthouse, the building "smells better," personally check clock tower, and C. Jared and Jared did an "outstanding job." D. In response to the Confederate Monument and ownership of the square - the county not Tuskegee owns the square, of which can not be sold by the Daughters of United Confederacy per the 1906 deed.
- Finance - Budget meeting and vote on 30Sep with Robinson making motion, second by Thompson, and unanimously approved. Plan for budget hearings, 22Sep 10:00 A.M. as a recessed meeting could also approve the budget if possible, if subsequent meetings are necessary 24Sep, 29Sep, leading to 30Sep.
- Engineer - Thompson again suggested the county look into the emergency Reverse 911 to compliment sirens, of which are often not heard.
- 2015 Recessed to 22Sep at 10:00 A.M.
Monday, 14Sep2015 4:33 P.M. Work Session. Attendees, Maxwell, call commissioners, Smith, Gray, Benjamin. Contractor for work on jail was in the audience.
- Mr. Hostedler during public comment asked about county road 45 repair "ran out of money?" Smith, the citizen, and Huffman, his commissioner will meet and look over the road tomorrow.
- A problem with the 10Sep2015 meeting being rescheduled and not having a quorum resulted in rejection and re-submission of the bids to be opened on Tuesday, 13Oct during the work session at 4:30 p.m. The Oct. general and work session is re-scheduled to Tuesday, 13Oct because Columbus Day, 12Oct.
- Retiring Revenue Commissioner has asked to be a supernumerary upon retirement the end of September. Being in such a category would cause him to be eligible to recalling to service if needed as well as receiving a higher than prescribed by law retirement pay and having his medical covered as if a full time employee. Nothing wrong with asking but what is wrong is the commissioners considering his request - well be decided on 29Sep when the budget may be voted upon.
- Probate Judge asked the commission to divide a former employee's salary among the existing two employees as the former's position will not be filled and the two have picked up the former employee's work load.
- adjourned 5:22 p.m.
September 10Sep2015 - Confusion about this meeting, which was re-scheduled (without notice?) and resulted in no quorum.
Friday, 14Aug2015 Continuation meeting 10:00 A.M. Annex. Agenda. Attendees, Maxwell, all commissioners less Huffman, Gray, Smith, Thomas, Kinebrew, Golatte. Audience, Patricia Clay - county registrar who among two other registrars demanded the county address the bat problem, Steve McDaniel and Johnny Merril with Alabama Public Health, USDA representatives Lee Stevens and Kenny ?, and owner and son of Jared & Jared Affordable Wildlife Eviction of Columbus, GA.
- Focused entirely on the bat infestation in the clock tower. Public Health folks provided praise to county for the expedient and researched plan to have the bats removed. Some of the high points. A. Notify neighboring churches, businesses, and residents as the bats are protected and therefore can not be killed but they will relocate locally. B. Jared & Jared were the low bid but all in attendance seemed to be satisfied with their plans, safety measures, and their 5 year warranty of their work sealing the court house from additional infestation or their return. B. Work would begin within days depending on access of a 90' left to gain access to the exterior of the tower. C. The level of bat guano indicates a large and long-time colony presence. D. the droppings would first be dampened to prevent airborne contamination before placement in sealed large plastic bags and removed via elevator during a weekend. E. The entire route used to take the bags of guano from the courthouse will be complete disinfected. F. Discussion of closing the courthouse until the problem has been eliminated was unnecessary as advised by the Health Department personnel.
- Recessed to 10Sep2015 at 10:00 a.m. to open bids. Motioned by Berry, seconded by Robinson, and unanimously approved.
Monday, 10Aug2015 6:00 P.M. General Session, District 2 Recreation Center on Hwy 29 S. Attendees, Maxwell; all commissioners, less Thompson; Mss. Gray, Kinebrew, Golatte, Thomas; Messrs Hurley and Smith. In audience County Registrars Bob Pearson, Patricia Clay, and Carolyn Kilpatrick along with some 20 other citizens. Agenda (incorrect date on the agenda - should be Monday, August 10, 2015 at 6:00 P.M.), Finance Report, Official Minutes
- The meeting opened with the blessing offered by Maxwell, pledge to our flag and county, and welcoming comments by Huffman of which whose district we were visiting.
- Awards and Presentations
- Kelley Bass of the Revenue Commissioner's office - Employee of the month for August
- Mike Rutland provided another update to the improvements to the jail he is coordinating. The plumbing, additional electrical outlets, and improved lighting of the current stage of work. The new lights are in and installation will begin next week. Additional bids must be requested and opened on Thursday, 10Sep at 10:00 in the annex. This will afford Rutland's firm to look over the quotes and offer a suggestion before the general session on the following Monday, 14Sep.
- New Business
- Michael Council, owner of a new pest control company with a contract with the Tuskegee Housing Authority, presented a fee schedule to the commission for consideration of business.
- Board of Registrars, Bob Pearson, Patricia Clay, and Carolyn Kilpatrick bought to light a long term health problem in the courthouse, bats and their related diseases. Initially Maxwell denied knowledge and the extent of the infestation. Only upon persistency by primarily Pearson and Clay did he finally acknowledge that “thousands [of bats] in the clock tower…for years” before assuming office and having the “little pellets” on the courthouse steps swept up every workday morning. Kilpatrick admitted to having been treated for Histoplasmosis, primarily a respiratory fatal disease at times, spread by birds and bats and she is more susceptible to the disease. Clay said she has filed the first report for Workman's Comp and a dead bat was recently discovered in the toilet of the DA suite, of which they share a common entrance and area. Combined by the three they are demanding their office immediately be returned to the ground floor, have the air tested for presence of the spores, and begin having the problem resolved. Discussion included having the state wildlife department advise the county in its proper course of action and closing the courthouse for 30 days for the cleanup. Maxwell stated the three companies he contacted after Pearson brought this to his attention, though he was previously aware of the problem and chose to ignore it, had costs ranging from $54K to $22K. A unanimous vote was had to categorize the bat problem as an emergency thereby removing some restrictions applicable to general policies. The commissioners unanimously approved the obligation of $22,300 to Affordable Wildlife Extraction to handle this situation. The commission will met with the state wildlife authorities for guidance Friday, 14Sep at 10:00 A.M. in the commission annex. Pearson also stated and asked the commissioners if Maxwell stated the Registrar's move from the ground floor to second floor was not to cost the county anything - to which Huffman nodded in agreement. Pearson said it cost the county $2K, and more will be forthcoming to move some electrical outlets. He also stated the move was to permit the Sheriff to have a presence in the courthouse of which has not yet been accomplished. What is most disturbing with the entire bat issue is the Chairman knew of the growing infestation, Robinson and Berry publicly denied knowledge of the problem, and chose to put all visitors, young and old and court house employees at a health risk for years!
- Recreational Trails Program - Maxwell received a favorable resolution to seek a grant for the development of a walking trail on the Hwy 199 property.
- Reports
- Chairman reminded everyone of the All Macon County Days the last weekend of the month. And to make sure department heads keep an eye on annual leave balances to ensure no one loses vacation.
- Financial - "Revenue is extremely slow at this time."
- Rest of reports I missed inasmuch I was speaking with Patricia Clay just outside the bldg. I noticed her shaking her head is frustration upon hearing of the negative balances during the Financial Report and wanted to speak with her of this.
- 7:39 the commission recessed until Friday, 14August at 10:00 A.M. in the Annex
Monday, 20Jul2015 Continuation meeting 10:00 A.M. Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Benjamin, Thomas, Gray, Golatte and Mr. Smith. Agenda. Official Minutes.
- Above all I wonder why the contents of the agenda and the one added item by Smith should not have been handled during the general session, last Monday, only 5 working days earlier, other than keeping the county business from the voters!
- Forty-five minutes was dedicated to the distribution of the "fuel" tax revenue. Discussion delved into securing the integrity of the county's share by not putting it into the general fund. As far as the remaining half going to the Macon County Economic Development Authority several commissioners admitted their intent was not met by the bill, which provides no restrictions in how their money can be spent. Maybe someone on the commission should have read the bill, as I did and wrote of it several times, and acted appropriately to provide limitations on the use of the money. But there again the commission was hungry for more money regardless of the stakes. Resolutions for RDS to perform as the collecting agent along with collecting existing county taxes and one to the Economic Development Authority asking them to honor the intent of the commission in how their share will be used were discussed and will be prepared for the next meeting, August 10 at 6:00 P.M.
- Went into Executive Session for review and consideration for renewal of County Engineer's contract. The hour existing the Executive Session is at this time unknown by me.
- 12:33 P.M. Meeting adjourned.
Monday, 13Jul2015 6:30 P.M. General Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Gray, Golatte, and Benjamin, Mr. Smith. Audience Revenue Commissioner, videographer Rashid Swanson, Wiley Kirk, Mr. Long and his mother, approximately a dozen others, and myself. Agenda. Official Minutes
- Public comment
- I asked if your bills are paid, to which the Chairman answered "no." I followed his answer with by "show of hands who is going to the beach for your convention," and all but Huffman's hand went into the air. Berry took exception to my reference of the beach, to which I explained to him that it was he I learned that reference. Thompson followed if the "beach" is such an issue than why not write to the association and ask that the location be changed? I responded that it is his association, my tax dollars, and it should be he, not me.
- Mr. King said he lived in Macon County in the 60's and is returning to care for his elderly mom who was in attendance and asked if the county has a comprehensive plan. Maxwell danced all around that question stating "not at this time," and "working daily to improve the county."
- Old Business
- Mr. Johnson briefly spoke again wanting to be in Tuskegee with his business. Thompson and Berry were firm in wanting the company to keep their end of the agreement, which has not been kept so far, which might result in a new MOU and eventually a contract.
- Wiley Kirk spoke of the need for the county to reject or at least demand notification of Forever Wild's intent to acquire White Oak Plantation (over a 1000 acres) in south Macon because the property would be removed from tax rolls. He continued - as only he can perform - in praising the county and ridiculing me for my ACCA convention and beach questions. He and Irene must have some stimulating summer evening discussions.
- New Business
- Mrs. Gertrude Benjamin employee of the month.
- Corbitt spoke and presented a prepared resolution to the commission for the aerial photography, which was unanimously approved. Interesting Corbitt bragging near the end of the meeting that he learned of this grant and the county's obligation of $50K in matching from his attendance at the "beach" during one of his association meeting. Think of that. We paid for Corbitt to attend HIS association's meeting where he learned how to obligate the county for $50K!
- Reports
- Chairman. Stated the Macon County dinner, where Shirley Johnson of Notasulga, was recognized along with several others across the county for their contributions to the county. The improvements to the jail lighting and electrical outlets approved by the commission several months ago is near complete. All Macon County Day is set for 28 and 29 August.
- Commissioner Berry said several county long-term inmates are costing the county thousands of dollars per month in prescriptions. Berry wants the commission to ask the assigned judges to hear these cases at the earliest date.
- Finance Report
- The engineer, attorney and RSVP gave their reports. Compliance officer, no report offered, was sting by a bee earlier earlier today and was under medical care.
- Next meeting will be in District 2 in the Recreation Center on Hwy 29 South.
- Continuation meeting set for 20Jul2015 at 10:15 A.M. Discussion to setting its agenda was quickly squashed by Commissioner Berry - so the element of surprise for any citizen wanting and able to attend this meeting in the midst of a work day.
Monday, 13Jul2015 4:30 P.M. Work Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Gray, Golatte, and Benjamin, Mr. Smith. Audience Revenue Commissioner, videographer Rashid Swanson, Roland Vaughn, presenter from Iowa with composite manhole covers, and me.
- T.J. Johnson of the composite manhole covers spoke for some time passing around an example of his cover and accompanying ring; very light weight. Because of the cost of the machinery his company partnered with China in their manufacturing after extensive composite R&D in Iowa. Time was consumed by learning and international documentation to get to this point. These units will be engraved and shipped from its previously arranged location in the Hwy 199 compound. Because of their weight can be shipped by UPS as well as freight. Lifetime material and no value for stealing. Within 60 to 90 days some of the electrical and building coding will be addressed. He still wants to use the agreed upon building for his operation to include 14 employees. The products will qualify for "Made in America." Additionally, custom and standard storm shelters will be manufactured on the Hwy 199 compound and will be the location for purchasers to "kick the tires" in Tuskegee to look over their products. He expects discounts to be offered for local residents. Johnson said "our costs are very very low" and they are a better product than the shelter in place in Franklin as his will not sweat and rust. They are made of FEMA approved materials.
- Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt asked for a resolution for the application of a grant for aerial photography of the county to be matched with $50k from the county. The costs will be reasonable because sharing between neighboring counties. The $50k is currently available and will only be used if the grant is approved.
- Corbitt also asked that the county commission cooperate so that he may retire as a supernumerary as a life-time employee at 75% of his salary as compared to a cap of $49K. The commission was very accommodating picking the date when his retirement will be effective while having a county meeting scheduled the following day.
- adjourned 5:38 P.M.
Monday, 8June2015 6:35 P.M. General Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners less Miles Robinson, Mss. Gray, Kinebrew, Thomas, and Golatte, Messrs. Smith and Hurley. Audience, Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt and about a dozen, including Wiley Kirk. Agenda. Official Minutes.
- Little substance as compared to the previous work session.
- All reports other than RSVP provided.
- Chairman - August 28 and 29 All Macon County Day weekend, Chisholm Rec Center grand opening was well attended from citizens across the county, wants to sell a county double wide and other equipment, and would like to "catch up the bills through May." The move of Pardons and Parole and Registrars' office has been accomplished with a minimal amount of county expense. Sheriff will be moving to the court house soon. Windows in the jail, where items have been passed through, are being replaced.
- Finance - including state reimbursement for Nov 2014 general election.
- Engineer - wants to surplus a dozier and burned tractor and off-probation pay raises - approved
- Attorney - Sheriff's request for impounded vehicle fees must be legislative approved. Sex offender fees is already in process but the flow of the money is in question. Sheriff wants the sex offender fees.
- Compliance - There are 2427 residents subscribing to the mandatory county solid waste plan while 884 residences are not complying with the law. His code violation of solid waste letter and plan approved by the commission with a resolution.
- EMA - grant for court house security cameras denied. Will resubmit.
- adjourned 7:34 P.M.
Monday, 8Jun2015 4:30 P.M. Work Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners less Miles Robinson, Mss. Gray, Kinebrew, Thomas, and Golatte, Messrs. Smith and Hurley. Audience, Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt and one or two others.
- Nearly the entire work session was focused on expenditures and lack of revenue often referring back to the approved austerity decisions made by the commission on 8Apr2013, including that all cell phones costs would be reimbursed to the county by the staff member, commissioners, and chairman. It was very apparent that the chairman has not been reimbursing the county for his cell phone. He stated he gets many phones day and night to which Huffman acknowledged "so do I," as he walked over to Thomas with a personal check in hand. Thompson stated several times even if we have to "approve every purchase order" we must get a handle on our expenses. With a repaired dozier and tractor in the shop, they sit because of needed payment of repairs. Thompson reinforced the need for better conditioned equipment with the "trucks are wore out and we are spending money patching, patching, and patching." Smith presented a plan of on a rotational basis sell either by auction or sealed bids unserviceable equipment rather than very costly and regular repairs because it their ages. By his facial expressions and a under-his-breath comment sounding like, looks like I'll have to "renegotiate my phone." it was further apparent the chairman was uncomfortable with this discussion. Berry stressed that the gasoline fund is being abused and the Road and Bridge Department (RBD) is not being properly reimbursed by the county commission, citing extensive use of RBD equipment and manpower at the Chisholm Recreation Center.
- Kinebrew stated all storm shelters have been checked, cleaned by county prisoners, and gas tanks topped off as needed.
- Hurley provided a letter, previously approved by Judge Biggers, to the commissioners he intends to use to notify non-subscribers of the county's mandatory garbage collection to subscribe by law to the program or be charged and placed by Judge Biggers. He is in need of a resolution approving the form.
Monday, 11May2015 6:30 P.M. General Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners less Drew Thompson, Mss. Gray, Kinebrew, and Thomas, Messrs. Smith, Hurley, Sheriff Brunson, Captain Whitehead. Minutes
- I asked the commission to rescind the two resolutions the legislative delegation chose not to address this session: resolutions 031715 and 031715-2. Robinson rejected my request by making a motion to keep the agenda intact, which was unanimously approved. Berry said the two resolutions in my request are for only this session, therefore are dead and can not be resurfaced in the future.
- Reports
- Chairman - Chisholm Community Center open house 28May between 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Working with the sheriff to use the county recreation centers as sheriff sub-stations with coffee, snacks to write reports, etc. A grant for cameras of all recreation centers with internet hot spots for internet access - working with school board. Chairman will be asking the E911 board for internet access.
- Finance
- Engineer - memo of understanding with school board, TU, and all municipalities for road patchwork, stripping, bush hogging, and drainage work with a specific schedule. Maxwell stated, "We can only do so much," in reference to Pleasant Springs Road bush hogging.
- Attorney - no report
- Compliance - four dog bites, 5 logging companies with new business licenses, horses and goats on CR38 every week.
- EMA - check shelters with hurricane season approaching. Must keep fuel in the fuel tanks, self-test generators. Mold and bugs in a couple of the shelters. County authorized EMA director to purchase and place emergency shelter direction signs.
- adjourned 7:50 P.M.
Monday, 11May2015 4:35 P.M. Work Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners less Drew Thompson, Mss. Gray, Kinebrew, and Thomas, Messrs. Smith, Hurley. Agenda. Official Minutes.
- Mr. John McDonald of Las Vegas made a presentation of a develop of Mr. Herron's 680 acres along I85 exit 38, "one of the best locations yet to be developed," according to McDonald. His visions include a golf course, gated community, housing, shopping center including Cabela's, Penny's, Dillards, a movie theatre, and a football stadium for a semi-pro team.
- A follow-up on the jail survey - which provided copies of the handouts to the commission and the attorney, engineer, finance clerk, and personnel clerk to follow along. For the two county staff and one non-county citizen in the audience were left to scratch our heads. I found the behavior of the county commission permitting the three to be ignored to be condescending.
- Adjourned 5:45 P.M.
Monday, 13Apr215 6:30 P.M. General Session, Annex. All attendees as the work session and Kinebrew. Agenda. Official minutes.
- Chairman's report
- Pardons and Paroles will be moved and the Board of Registrars will occupy its space. The Sheriff will assume the space currently occupied by the Registrar department.
- Chisholm community center at 99% completed. Open house planned for first week of May between 11:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
- Senator Beasley wants to meet with the commission in his office tomorrow at 4:00 P.M. Not sure if Representative Warren will be there.
- New Business
- Capital Improvement Funds must be preserved for the improvements to the jail - motioned Berry, second by Robinson, and unanimously approved. All capital improvements, less jail emergencies, must be approved by the commission - even if required to approve by coming to the court house.
- Confusion abound with Sheriff's personnel requests - Mrs. Benjamin was not present while reports and documentation not available or timely completed.
- Employee of the Month - Jason Lawler of the Revenue Department
- Reports
- Finance
- Engineer - heavy discussion following historical documentation of reduced personal expenditures since Smith assumed the position of County Engineer and requests for pay increases for some of his staff. Obviously Maxwell was irritated and asked when Smith's contract was to expire and stated he needed to have an evaluation, of which apparently has not been done over the 5 years of county employment.
- Compliance - not present
- adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Monday, 13Apr2015 4:30 P.M. Work Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Gray and Thomas, Mr. Smith, Mayor Miller, Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt, and Registrar Bob Pearson.
- Presentation by Karen Paul for a county web presence
- Mike Rutland of JMR+H Architecture and his team presented their jail assessment with some startling findings and statements. The assessment showed repairs/expansion by category, high, mid, low and future expansion, $427K, $455K, $154K, and $1M respectively.
- Presentation by Dr. Trellis Smith with My Brother's Keeper for disadvantaged young people to avoid prison and to feel good about themselves. Only tutoring is now available in Tuskegee. Partnered by TU and TU students. Would like the county's support - Maxwell stress that the program must reach into all four districts as compared to only Tuskegee.
- Registrar Bob Pearson asked the commission to not move the registrar's office to the second floor of the court house. Not going to happen per the Chairman.
- Some discussion of the Sheriff's request for storage fees of crime related vehicles. Berry argued the fees can not be set by the county or sheriff but only via the legislature.
- Adjourned at 6:10 P.M.
Tuesday, 17Mar2015 Continuation meeting 9:05 A.M. Annex. Attendees: Chairman, Commissioners Robinson, Huffman, Thompson, Berry, and Mss. Bray, Thomas, Benjamin
- I was enjoying the St. Patrick's Day parade in New York City while our
commissioners were doing the county business with saliva dropping in greed,
not caring about the 27% of our community living in poverty day in and day
out. The commission passed three resolutions - unlike what Chairman Maxwell
said before a group of concerned citizens in district 4 who were invited to
hear the "truth" - to our legislative delegation for more taxes. For more
detail on the wanted taxes.
- Robinson moved to add resolutions for county wide Occupational Tax, a new rental tax, and new "fuel" tax under "New Business." Actually, as you can see by the minutes of the meeting nothing had been discussed as "New Business" as this meeting in my opinion was called suddenly knowing no one would be in the audience and would slide in by us - lack of transparency.
- Berry with his first of two home runs to tax the people of Macon County motioned for an auto and general rental tax "on all other personal property." Seconded by Huffman and of course unanimously approved.
- Robinson came to bat with a new "fuel tax," ya really need to read more of this tax. Seconded again by Huffman and Thompson. And as you might expect all commissioners jumped on this one knowing their intent to milk the visitors to the new Love's Truck Stop dry!
- Berry steps up for his second home run wanting a one-cent occupational tax, thereby taxing those lucky to have a job, only because the county commissioners say so. For the third straight back up Huffman seconded the motion and you guessed it - unanimously approved.
- As quickly as the meeting began and no other businesses other than sticking it to the less fortunate who are unable to fend off big government Huffman makes the motion to get out of Dodge before being detected.
Tuesday, 17Mar2015 9:05 A.M. Special Session. With no one other than employees and commissioners in the chamber, new taxation was a game. Robinson set the stage and motioned to add three proposals for taxation to the agenda. [Another example of lack of county government transparency - the agenda should be set hours before the meeting rather adding to it seconds before the meeting is to start for the purpose of seeking through budgets, business license fees, and now attempts for new taxes before an empty chamber.] Berry came to bat and hit a home run wanting a tax imposed for Auto and General Rental "on all other personal property," second by Huffman. Robinson next up at bat wanted a 5 cent fuel tax per gallon, second by Huffman AND Thompson [can taste the money]. Next was yet another home run by Berry. This time wanting a "one cent occupational tax and any new entity subjected to county occupational tax regardless of location in Macon County," second by Huffman again. All in favor of making the poor poorer voted "yea," thereby unanimous votes on all three resolutions. The meeting was quickly adjourned and the commissioners immediately hauled ass! Official Minutes.
Monday, 9Mar2015 6:31 P.M. General Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners less Berry, Mss. Kinebrew, Harris, Gray, Thomas, and Benjamin, Mr. Smith, Ms. Love of Macon County Board of Education, Sheriff Brunson, Captains Sistrunk and Whitehead. Official Minutes.
- Chief Ellis stressed for the need of a second ambulance
- Maxwell recognized fire chiefs and firefighters in audience
- Chairman's Report
- Work continues at jail.
- Chisolhm Community Center 98% completed with passage of fire inspection.
- Court house security system.
- Finance Report
- Engineer Report
- Attorney Report
- Compliance Report - appointed as Notasulga representative to county planning committee, replacing J.D. Smith who is now the county commission representative.
- EMA Report - $41K grant to upgrade security cameras about court house.
- RSVP Report - Barbara Adams is the new administrator. Attending a conference at Orange Beach for 3 days. Intend to extend mayoral appreciation to commissioners. April a Florida conference. May 6 a legislative date in Montgomery.
- Appointments: Johnny Fowler of the school system appointed as district 3 representative to DHR board.
- Continuation meeting for legislative requests, 17Mar at 0900.
- 7:22 P.M. Meeting recessed.
Monday, 9Mar2015 4:30 P.M. Work Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Gray, Thomas, Benjamin, Harris, Sheriff Brunson, and Messrs. Hurley and Smith.
- Dale Gamble, VP Care Ambulance Service, addressed the commission stating Care has been in Macon County since 2000 without a contract, except for the VAH. Furthermore, he stated the company can provide additional services with one or more ambulances in a joint effort with the county providing a long-term contract. By law he stated the company must respond in order to calls received not to the severity of the second or later calls. One hundred fifty to one hundred sixty calls per month would cause no need for substitutes.
- Sheriff stated the department along with other law enforcement agencies captured two escapees.
- Gloria Wright, revenue department, honored as employee of the month.
- Planning committee met with Chairman "last week" and only two showed. [I failed to see a publicized announced of the meeting.]
- Commissioners Robinson and Thompson would like pictures of former commissioners in the chambers.
Monday, 9Feb2015 6:00 P.M. General Session, Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Gray, Thomas, Kinebrew, and Benjamin, Mssrs. Hurley and Smith, Sheriff Brunson and Captains Whitehead and Sistrunk. Official Minutes.
- Presentations made for Visionary Impaired group meetings for 55 year old and over 3rd Tuesday at 11 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. To discuss transportation issues next meeting at the Gold Life Center.
- Debra Ellis - spoke of a cancer support group for cancers targeting the black community.
- Dillman asked why the county is considering returning the work session to the normal work hours. The commission was not prepared to discuss this - having joined a discussion already in progress between the work and general sessions last month between Maxwell, Berry, and Huffman behind the dais. During the time to formulate a response I also asked by the agenda is not on line before the meetings.
- Several board appointments made.
- Reports
- Chairman - Exit 38 this year, hotel, 24 hour gas station, optimistic VictoryLand to open this year.
- Finance
- Engineer
- Attorney - no report
- Compliance - Judge Biggers will begin hearing cases of littering and non-subscribers to the the mandatory garbage program on 11March. All municipalities in on county-wide garbage plan. Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood recommended by Maxwell - Berry made motion, second by Robinson, and unanimously approved.
- A.J. Nelson, principal of BT Washington High School, presented the need and value for the community to support the school, school system, and students.
Monday, 12Jan2015 6:30 P.M. General Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman Maxwell, all commissioners less Robinson, Hurley, Thomas, Smith, Gray, Benjamin. Audience: Mr. Clinkscales, Town of Franklin councilman. Official Minutes.
- R. L. Smith, Buildings and Grounds - Employee of the Month, January
- Chairman's report: if county doesn't have a viable CBG grant application, Maxwell would like the annual application to be for a walking trail on county property on Hwy 199.
- With the college football championship game between Oregon and Ohio State - goes to show a meeting can be moved along rather quickly and efficiently.
- February meeting will be in District 3 on Hwy 80 at 6:00 P.M. There will be no work session for this meeting as is the case with all district commissioner meetings.
- Adjourned 6:50 P.M.
Monday, 12Jan2015 4:30 P.M. Work Session, Annex. Attendees: Chairman Maxwell, all commissioners less Robinson, Hurley, Thomas, Smith, Gray, Benjamin.
- Commissioner Huffman provided the blessing
- Public comments
- Frank Dillman dumped on the floor before the commission road side litter along only two miles of recently paved Hwy 54 West he suspects is from the contractor. Maxwell took this picture and Smith asked for the bag of litter. Considering Dillman had spoken with Smith in Oct. and Nov. I would have thought appropriate action would have been taken - such as the county doing the job of enforcement- not him.
- Mr. Vaughn - report on Chisholm Community Center
. He has on behalf of the county awarded 5 projects including a sprinkler system, fire alarm system, fire rated corridors.
- A citizen complaining of the lack of county maintenance of his road - which according to Smith is privately owned and as far as he can find the county has never done any work on the road.
- Commissioner Berry was most vocal concerning the dirt road and expressed the long over need for the county sub-division plan to address private roads put in "across a pasture" selling lots, and walking away from the responsibility to maintain the private road.
Monday, 22Dec2014, Continuation meeting Official Minutes
Friday, 19Dec2014, Continuation meeting Official Minutes
Monday, 8Dec2014 4:30 P.M. Work Session, Annex. Attendees: Hurley, Thomas, Smith, Gray, all commissioners, and Maxwell. Audience: Sheriff Warren and me.
- Most of the meeting was focused on the discussion of the Town of Franklin annexed land and their subsequent responsibility for their roads. Maxwell suggested the commission provide a resolution to cities a resolution and notice of understanding concerning the extent of the county's responsibilities in maintaining roads in their jurisdiction.
Monday, 8Dec2014 6:30 P.M. General Session, Annex. Attendees: Hurley, Thomas, Smith, Kinebrew, Gray, all commissioners, and Maxwell. Audience: Judge Menefee, Sheriff Warren, Mr. Hoststeller, me and some 12 others. Official Minutes.
- Judge Menefee asked for the commission to support a 14 day straight run ad in the Montgomery Advertiser concerning VictoryLand. He suggests comments from citizens be considered. Item added to agenda.
- Sheriff Warren again asking for the commission to pay $50K to his attorney, James Anderson, who represented he and the county during the past 7 years on the 3 gaming trials. Item added to agenda.
- Awards: Employee of the Year, David Hurley Compliance Office, selected by the 11 2014 employee of the month awards. Presented a $120 check to Hurley, $20 from each commissioner, Maxwell, and me.
- Business:
- unanimous approval of continued ACCA Self-Insurance policy. Motion by Berry, second by Thompson.
- Sheriff legal fees, $50K to Mr. Anderson unanimously approved. Motion by Robinson, second by Berry.
- Montgomery Advertiser. Menefee believes the cost of the 2 week run would be about $8K. Robinson's motion, second by Thompson, and unanimously approved.
- Finance Report
- Engineer Report: among other road and bridge projects, Hwy 54W will soon be stripped.
- EMA director: Camera project between jail and court room still being worked on and Jan 18, 2015 is the grand opening of the EMA 911 communication center
- Compliance Officer:
- Solid Waste plan re-submitted to the state for the second time. [Note: I asked Hurley if the plan includes recycling. He said "yes" but working on the best locations and methods. I again offered to assist as needed as the county recycling program is "long over-due."]
- Residents with inactive trash collection will be going to court in January.
- Twelve dogs put down from an animal abuse case. $800 received by state to assist in this case's costs.
- Continuation meeting Dec. 19 at 10 A.M. to receive bids for Chisholm Recreation Center
Monday, 17Nov2014, Continuation meeting Official Minutes.
Monday, 10Nov2014 6:30 P.M. General Session. Attendees: Chairman, Commissioners Robinson, Huffman, and Berry, Chairman Maxwell, Mss. Gray, Thomas, Kinebrew, Benjamin and Mr. Smith. Audience: Ms. Yolanda Watkins, Mayor Tommy Miller - a late arrival, a couple of citizens, and Frank Dillman. Official Minutes.
- Public comments: I announced today with the US Marine Corps' birthday and asked if the Macon County Planning Committee (MCPC) was meeting. It was apparent the county was not aware of the MCPC was meeting and only upon additional request of clarification by me it was determined they had been called to meet but failed for a quorum yet no public announcement was in the local newspaper.
- Old and New Business
- Tabled Health Clinic issue
- Unanimously approved Chisholm Rec Center plan
- RDS Business License Discovery Recovery Service unanimously approved
- Salary Scale plan - tabled to the continuation meeting. Commissioner Berry stated they need all of the details of the costs, which will amount to $5,000 added to each pay period. Commissioner Huffman asked "Can we do this tonight?" Chairman responded "Not tonight, but we can do it." Commissioner Robinson also asked where the $5,000 per pay period is coming from. Chairman stated several times this is what the commission requested and felt uncomfortable with the resistance. From my recollection of previous meetings the chairman and commissioners alike stated the commission would do their best for the jailers, dispatchers, and county employees by looking at the present salary tables compared to similar counties; not once making the promise. Also easy for the Chairman to push the discussion when he will most likely not be voting!
- Sheriff Warren's legal fees - Commissioner Berry said if the funds are available the county should cover the costs. Tabled.
- Employee of Month for Nov. - Mary Harris, director of RSVP
- Unanimously approved Campbell to speak with employees - a percentage of employees must show interest in the payroll deduction before approval by the commission.
- Resolutions
- Notasulga High School football team continued success - a resolution unanimously approved
- Tuskegee University football team
- Ellen's life for her recent passing. Helen Berry's twin sister.
- Board of Equalization (state appointment) Cline Boyd, Jr. to replace Iverson Gandy
- Opened 11 bids.
- Adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
- Reports
- Chairman - announced the Veterans event in District 4 Rec Center on Veterans Day AND the county and municipalities to celebrate Veterans Day on Friday, 14Nov with a parade beginning at 1230 followed by a ceremony.
- Finance - The county received from the state $37,984 from the $70,240.87 required by the county for the 3Jun2014 primary.
- Engineer - Hwy 54 West stripping remaining
- Attorney - no report
- Compliance Officer - started police academy today
- EMA director - no report
- RSVP - no report
Monday, 10Nov2014 4:39 P.M. Work Session. Attendees: Chairman, Commissioners Robinson, Huffman, and Berry, Chairman Maxwell, Mss. Gray, Thomas, Kinebrew, Benjamin and Mr. Smith. Audience: Sheriff David Warren and a room full of citizens.
- Presentations
- Revenue Discovery Services (RDS) Ms. Yolanda Watkins accepted an invitation to speak on their Business License Discovery Recovery Service. Among the handouts provided the county was this one, providing an overview of the county tax revenue and its sources. The RDS through database research is able to identify businesses working in our county who have not purchased their business license. Once identified the county will receive 60% of their delinquent taxes - going back several years as appropriate - and penalties and fines. RDS will retain the 40% for compensation for their work for the county - the county not paying a nickle. In subsequent years the county will obtain 100% of the business license fee.
- Sheriff Warren and his attorney, James Anderson, is asking the county commission to pay some of his legal fees. Both spoke before the commission. Warren stated Anderson has represented "me and the county well" over 7 years and 3 trials. Commissioner Robinson stated "We really don't have the money."
- Representatives of the Thomas Reed Medical Clinic and Bernice Frazier, chairperson Macon County Health Authority (MCHA) asked the county for a commitment of $50K toward contracting with a doctor who would like to come to Macon County and work nights and weekends. Cindy Tompkins, practice manager, and Dr. Paul Tuck, family provider, represented the clinic and their desire to provided extended hours of medical care to our community. Tompkins said the clinic has also approached the UBT and City of Tuskegee and only the MCHA has committed. Time is of essence as the doctor's services are desired elsewhere. Tompkins said the clinic has three phases to get to the extended hours wanted by the community. Phase 1 - 24 hrs M-F; phase 2 - adding 8 hrs on Saturday; and phase 3 - adding 8 hrs on Sunday.
- Mr. Joshua Campbell, agent for New York Life Insurance Company, Montgomery, asked the commission for permission for employees wanting his "portable and permanent" whole life insurance for themselves and their families to be able to use payroll deductions.
- Ronald Vaughn, engineer, explained how the necessary improvements to the Chisholm Rec Center will be handled using the $249K from the governor and the $25,00 in matching money or in-kind. Handicap bathrooms, additional toilets, greater water supply from the line across the street, roof work, and a sprinkler system are only some of the necessary improvements using the International Building Code before the certificate of occupancy can be obtained from the Fire Marshall. Vaughn explained that the committed funds is 100% of the expected costs.
- Salary scale - little time remaining of the marathon meeting.
- Meeting adjourned 6:22 p.m.
Monday, 27Oct2014 Continuation meeting 9:13 A.M. Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners less commissioner Thompson, Mss. Thomas and Benjamin, and Mr. Smith. Audience: Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt and Frank Dillman. Official Minutes
- Information pertaining to on-going salary scale arrived late Friday and was not availed to the commissioners until this morning. Therefore, the review will continue during the work session on Monday, Nov. 10.
- Holiday hours. The commissioners were unanimously in favor of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years will be celebrated by the county and their employees that Thursday and following day. Therefore, the holiday schedule for the county is Nov. 27 and 28, Dec. 25 and 26, Jan 1 and 2.
- The county will be hosting a veterans' parade and ceremony on Friday, Nov. 14, at 11:30 A.M. The parade will precede the ceremony, on Tuskegee's town square.
- Adjourned 9:37 A.M.
Monday, 20Oct2014 Continuation meeting 9:00 A.M. Annex. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Thomas, Benjamin and Messrs. Smith and Hurley. Audience about eight sheriff employees. Official Minutes
- In response to county-wide salary scale Chairman the county's focus must be on the "dollar impact" upon the county.
- Moving the study further, department heads must make recommendations to re-evaluate the proposed scale with "total" impact on the budget.
- The established of pay scale steps will rest with the department heads.
- Recessed until 9:00 A.M. Monday, 27Oct2014.
Tuesday, 14Oct2014 6:00 P.M. District 1 Chisholm Rec Center. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Mss. Gray, Thomas, Benjamin and Messrs. Smith and Hurley. Audience: Sheriff David Warren, Willie Kirk, many citizens, and close to 2 dozen sheriff employees. Official minutes.
- Public comment:
- Discussion of the need for names on roads for E911 service regardless of county maintenance. Asked the citizen to contact the assistant E911 director, standing in for Kinebrew this evening.
- Invited all commissioners, along with a printed invitation, to hear me speak on I&R in Auburn on 18Nov at 6:30 p.m.
- A report by William Scott, former military and federal economic development employee. Scott presented a proposal for a count Community Economic Development Marketing Project that will include all of the Black Belt counties - each county partnering with its neighboring counties with not being limited to tourism, restaurants, entertainment, churches, government agencies, and colleges. A projection in the plan, if 50 cars stopped and spent only $20 365 days a year would yield $365,000 in revenue and $36,500 in taxes. Regular contractual fee is $9,500 with a discounted cost of $6,000 per year.
- Employee of the Month: Ms. Harris
- Full evaluation with a detailed report, following the completion of the general walk-through, of the jail by an architect, engineer, and electrician, for about $14K. Motion by Berry, seconded by Huffman and unanimously approved. Thompson asked if the county has $13,600, Maxwell replied the project would be eligible for a capital improvement grant.
- Revenue Discovery Systems of Alabama (RDS) offered to locate by the use of their database businesses conducting businesses in the county that are unknown to the county for a 40% finder's fee the first year. Thereafter all business fees would be retained by the county. Berry suggested RDS be invited to a work session to present and answer questions.
- Sheriff David Warren praised the work of Mr. Anderson throughout his gaming legal battle - I suspect originated with the rejection of Lucy Palace's business plan by the sheriff. He also stated when the citizens approved the gaming ordinance as the county's sworn sheriff his duties changed but was still required to uphold our constitution. His legal bills amount to $250K and asked the county to pay at least $50K. Maxwell explained the VictoryLand money safeguarded from use is set aside to repay the business should their request for a lower tax liability be approved.
- Warren also supported by more deputies I have seen in one place - ever - in stating his employees are the lowest paid among all county employees. Questions and statements from the attending sheriff employees was addressed by Maxwell, Berry, Thompson, and Robinson. The commissioners agreed to study the pay scale for all county employees.
- RSVP new director, Mary Harris. Motion approved to advertise in and out of house for her vacated position, secretary.
- Smith nominated and approved to be county representative to county economic development board, thereby creating the need to replace his vacated position from Notasulga.
- Finance Report.
- Maxwell asked of Frank Dillman to submit his suggestions concerning the proposed county solid waste program.
- Adjourned to Executive Session and reconvened the general meeting with "no action taken."
- Recessed meeting to its continuation meeting on Monday at 9 A.M. in the Annex.
Monday, 22Sep2014 10:00 A.M. Annex. Official minutes and FY2014-2015 budget summary
Monday, 18Sep2014 10:00 A.M. Annex. Official minutes
Monday, 15Sep2014 10:00 A.M. Annex. Official minutes
Monday, 8Sep2014 6:30 P.M. Annex General Session. Attendees: Chairman, Commissioners Thompson, Huffman, and Berry, Mr. Smith, Mss. Benjamin, Thomas, Gray, and Kinebrew. Audience: eight people. Official minutes.
- Employee of the Month: Ms. Susan Thomas
- Gary Bentley - motion made and unanimously approved for a proclamation to honor his life and fire department service to our community.
- Church of Christ - proclamation for service to our community during the recent and very hot All Macon County Day.
- Continued discussion of an evaluation of our jail with recommendations to get to standards. Personally, for those convicted inmates nothing better than the worse living conditions of any military service member will provide a fiscal incentive to the county as well the removal of expensive comforts.
- Finance Report
- Engineer Report: Work will soon begin on Hwy 54 W. Commissioner Berry was critical of the Town of Franklin mayor hiring an engineer to second guess a decision made by the county engineer and subsequently wanting the county to do the work.
- Notasulga Mayor Tommy Miller thanked Smith for his assistance at the 911 Bldg. and throughout Notasulga.
- Attorney Report: Suggested yet another Executive Session.
- Solid Waste plan submitted to ADEM
- Continual meetings 15, 18, 22 September, primarily for the budget.
Monday, 8Sep2014 4:30 P.M. Annex Work Session. Attendees: Chairman, Commissioners Thompson, Huffman, and Berry, Mr. Smith, Mss. Benjamin, Thomas, and Gray. Audience, Willey Kirk and two others.
- Audit completed
- Jail problems discussed
- Matt Bamberg and one other WSFA crew member recording the proceeding. Maxwell explained late into the meeting the sheriff employees who asked WSFA to be present did not speak with the county and as a result of not being at this meeting and previously requesting to be on the general session agenda will only be granted the usual 3 minute public comment. The two men left just prior to the conclusion of the work session.
- Hwy 54 repaving is pushed back due to the "lack of materials" per Smith.
- Public budget hearings discussed: suggested 15, 18, and 22 Sept. in the Annex.
- Willey Kirk addressed the commission stating he was born and raised in Macon County and the work he has seen over the last four years in the county is the "greatest ever."
Monday, 11Aug2014 6:30 P.M. Annex General Session. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Ms. Kinebrew, Ms. Harris, Veronica, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Gray, J.D. Smith
- Public Comment. I asked if we had unpaid bills to which Ms. Thomas at the direction of the Chairman stated "yes." I then asked for a show of hands of the commissioners who was going to their annual convention on the beach and all 5 commissioners raised their hand. I then told them they are again spending money we obviously do not have. Still during my time I asked why the commission could not do as the school board with the use of overhead project shows the documents being discussed so the public is not in the dark.
- Mr. Johnson, Chairman Macon County Racing Commission provided the annual report showing a 15% decrease in revenue from 2013; $24m in 2013 and $21m in 2014.
- Employee of the month: Ms. Gertrude Benjamin
- Retirement Systems of Alabama made a presentation and appeal to the commission for a one-time bonus for county retired employees based on $24.00 per each year of employment to the county. Berry motioned, Robinson seconded and unanimously approved.
- CR 46 sewage plant - Chairman stated the "liability is too great being in the sewer business." Due to a motion the issue was tabled with a cautionary comment of the county must "ensure all legal means are met first before obligating any money."
- Finance and engineer reports given.
- EMA report stated Department of Homeland Security will only financially assist the county during emergencies this year.
- RSVP Director, Ms. Harris, was first runner-up in 2014 Alabama Senior Pageant.
- Discussion of living conditions in the jail centered about exhaust fans.
- Adjourned to Executive Session and reconvened general meeting with "no action taken."
Monday, 11Aug2014 4:30 P.M. Annex Work Session. Attendees: Chairman, all commissioners, Ms. Kinebrew, Ms. Harris, Veronica, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Gray, J.D. Smith Minutes.
- Sewage plant on CR 46 "put this plant behind us," Chairman Maxwell stated
- Veronica wants a public campaign to make the public more aware of the criminal activity in littering
- Compliance Officer David Hurley is not physical capable of the demands of the police academy.
- CR 57 needs to be "no through trucks" as the road in Notasulga is such.
- Chairman said a "shooter" seminar and coordinated drill for all law enforcement agencies for the safety of employees and citizens. Chairman asked Ms. Kinebrew to handle this in particular what signs to be looking for to be proactive.
- A one time minimum $300 bonus to 32 county retirees and one spouse amounting to about $25K to be repaid to the RSA beginning next year at about 7.4%. Commissioner Berry asked when the last employee pay raise occurred and was answered by Ms. Thomas "about 5 to 6 years ago," further adding active employees usually receive an annual bonus in December. Commissioner Thompson asked if our health insurance premiums increased and Thomas replied "not in the last three years."
- Finance Report.
- Resolution of appreciation for the out going planning commission members.
Monday, 14Jul2014 6:00 P.M. District 4 Recreation Center on Hwy 27, General Session. Attendees include Chairman, commissioners Huffman and Berry, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Gray, Mr. Smith, Ms. Kinebrew's assistant, and Mr. Hurley. Pro temp of the Town of Franklin Council along with maybe 30 other citizens in the audience.
- Employee of Month - Mr. David Hurley, County Compliance Officer
- Mr. Kirk Barnett of Haynes Ambulance addressed the commission with the need of ground and air ambulance service for county residents inasmuch as "this county has no hospital at all." Barnett also spoke of Haynes recently purchasing a helicopter and along with its building in Tuskegee the company would like to have an ambulance in Tuskegee and possibly in Shorter and the helicopter available to county residents 24/7. Maxwell stated he has spoken with a couple of Macon County Healthcare Authority committee members who are "pleased with this discussion." Further discussion placed on August's agenda.
- Public comment segment. I asked for the justification and activities of the Emergency meeting on 8Jul2014 and again asked the commissioners not to use our limited tax dollars for yet another trip to "the beach" for their annual ACCA convention (via this link - one can not clearly see how our tax dollars are being sent to an association having definitive lack of citizen involvement in our counties.
- New business
- Sheriff's Department requested and was approved for two new hires for existing positions: a dispatcher and part-time recreation employee.
- August 22 and 23 - All Macon County Days
- Financial Report. Upon request resolutions were provided to establish certificate of deposit (CD) accounts at the First Tuskegee Bank in the amounts of $215,000.00 and $150,000.00. The first to pay back the original Capital Projects CD while the $150,000 is set aside to "pay back Victory Land or other emergencies." Berry specifically requested "other" expenditures be first brought before the commission.
- Engineer's Report included selling equipment via an on-line auction site (approved by the two commissioners) and presented a plan to control and hold logging companies accountable for road damage and county business licenses while logging in Macon County. The sub-division regulation recently passed by the legislature should be addressed by the newly re-convened zoning committee.
- Compliance Officer's report included a criminal littering warrant will be signed for a person ignoring at least two county notices to correct his actions. If convicted in addition to the $250 fine, I can only hope to see this person picking up road-side litter wearing a county approved reflective vest imprinted with "Macon County. I littered don't you."
- EMA Director's report stated their relocation to the new EMA building along side the jail will take place within a matter of days.
- Ms. Florence Pace-Tyner, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Director shared with the commission and audience of their one-time $2,500 grant from the state for computer and software upgrades as well as the RSVP volunteers contacting and checking on 100 elderly on a daily basis via telephone. Should a problem or emergency be discovered the local law enforcement agencies are immediately notified. If an elderly neighbor or family member living alone who would benefit with a daily telephone check please call 334-724-2605 and provide their name, address, and telephone number.
- The one-time bonus up to $300 bonus for county government retirees was tabled to the 11Aug2014 county general meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Annex. A decision must be obtained during the August meeting as the Retirement System of Alabama (RSA) must be notified by 31Aug2014 if the county wants to participate.
Tuesday, 8Jul2014, Annex, Emergency meeting to approve a resolution for a grant proposal for the Chisholm Recreation Center in district 1 - shared by Maxwell during the July general meeting. Further provided by Chairman, attendees included Chairman, commissioners Robinson, Huffman, and Berry who addressed the one issue and quickly adjourned. Minutes.
Monday, 23Jun2014 Minutes.
Monday, 9Jun2014 4:30 P.M. Annex, Work Session. In attendance Chairman, commissioners Huffman and Berry, Mr. Hurley, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Kinebrew, Ms. Gray, and Mr. Smith. Audience: Ed Corbitt Revenue Commissioner, three persons concerning the naming of Macon County Court House, Mr. Roland Vaughn, and two others. Minutes.
- Employee of Month - Ms. Judy Kinebrew
- Star Mindingall Water Authority is asking for a CBG grant for a new well replacing one recently "stopped working." The grant ceiling is about $400,000 yet a new well will cost upwards to $1 million. Also the county is permitted one CBG grant per year; one has been submitted for 2014. Therefore, the earliest will be 2015. Further reported by Maxwell, SCAD and Rural Development is working with the authority.
- Corbitt requested a resolution for the department's end of year report AND another resolution to put the money recently received from Victoryland in a temporary interest bearing account.
- Gray offered the proposed memorandum of understanding concerning CSS of T to the commission and in discussion with Vaughn, CSS of T representative engineer. The agreement specifies the corporation bring their leased buildings up to all code (estimated $125,000), carry $1 million in liability insurance and workmen's comprehensive insurance, and no subleasing. The monthly lease offset will be based on the actual amount invested into the building but approximately $1,000/month. The county will agree to in kind labor approximately $15,000 in land preparation and another $7,000 to $8,000 for fencing.
- Hurley has a seat in the November 2014 police academy class. The academy is from Nov. 10 to Feb. 10, 2015. He has agreed to remain in his position for at least two yeas following graduation from the academy or repay all county incurred expenses.
Monday, 9Jun2014 6:30 P.M. Annex, Work Session. In attendance Chairman, all commissioners, Mr. Hurley, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Kinebrew, Ms. Gray, and Mr. Smith. Audience: Ed Corbitt Revenue Commissioner, three persons concerning the naming of Macon County Court House, Mr. Roland Vaughn, and others totalling about a dozen.
- Kinebrew recognized at Employee of Month
- New Business
- Naming of the court house - motion made by Berry, second by Thompson and unanimously approved.
- The memorandum of agreement with CSS of T unanimously approved.
- The 2015 CBG grant for Star Mindingall Water Authority unanimously approved following motion by Berry, second by Thompson.
- Provided approval for Revenue Commissioner in handling the money as requested.
- ADEM is requiring the county reach an agreement with a private company for it to perform as the county's representative while discussing illegal dump sites.
- A one-time bonus of $300 per county retiree was discussed and moved to the next meeting after Thompson expressing concerns of the county being able to make the repayment. The retiree must have retired before Oct. 1, 2013 to be eligible. The payback of approximately $24,000 to $25,000 must begin Oct. 1, 2015.
- Chairman's Report - will activate the Macon County Planning Commission. Nominated Thurman Ivory for an at-large position; Ivory unanimously approved.
- Financial, Engineer, and Attorney's reports, without significance.
- Compliance Officer, since the last county meeting has issued 34 business licenses and 60 new mandatory garbage subscriptions.
- July county commission general meeting will be 14July at 6:00 P.M. in district 4 recreation center.
- Meeting continued to Monday, June 23 at 10:00 A.M. in the Annex to receive and open bids for the Engineering Department.
Monday, 12May2014 4:30 P.M. Annex, Work Session. In attendance Chairman, all four commissioners, Mr. Hurley, Fred Gray Sr. Esq. filling in for county attorney, Mr. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Kinebrew. In audience Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt and two non-county employees.
- Concerns and discussion of the relationship between the county and CSS of Tuskegee (mentioned in 10Apr2014 notes) occupied nearly all of the 90 minute meeting. Caution was frequently provided by Gray including the commission knowing why the contact between this company and the same principals fell through and the county knowing the financial condition of the corporation. During the discussion Smith said the county would be expected to put up a fence costing about $10K and about $15K for site work. Gray urged following receipt of why the Tuskegee contact fell through and the corporation's financial report for both parties to sit down with their attorneys stating exactly what is expected for and by each party and then the any contract or memorandum of understanding would fall into the template. Commissioner Thompson requested the inclusion of financial penalties in all agreements and contracts with businesses wanting county financial or other types of support. Gray responded, more the reason to know the financial situation of a company as if not able to met the financial penalties the county may never recover.
- Corbitt explained that Victoryland paid $441K in partial back taxes to the county. He also stated Victoryland is appealing the level of taxation and if successful very likely to get a return of their payment. Berry hearing this cautioned the county must preserve as much of the money until the ruling is made, which may include judicial appeals.
- Official minutes.
Monday, 12May2014 6:30 P.M. Annex, General Session. Chairman, all four commissioners, Mr. Hurley, Fred Gray Sr. Esq. filling in for county attorney, Mr. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Kinebrew. In audience Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt and about ten non-county employees.
- Commission, offered by Berry, rescinded a resolution from April meeting concerning a contract with CSS of Tuskegee.
- Thomas during her financial report provided a line-item list of needs for some of the $441K from Victoryland.
- Corbitt asked that a $200 pay period raise be provided to the Revenue Office with monthly supplemental payments from the office, not costing the county additional expenses. It was approved.
- District 1 Chisolm Recreation Center has seen many work stoppages related to funding. The commission approved an expenditure of $4,500 for architect's walk through and stamp.
- Hwy 54 West road work including repaving is scheduled to being in August
of this year. [Note: the county has over the last few months replaced two
deteriorating under pavement drainage pipes with longer, larger diameter, and
longer cement pipes as well as widening the shoulders in specific
Monday, 28Apr2014 Continuation meeting 10:00 A.M. Annex. In attendance, Chairman, Commissioners Berry and Huffman, Ms. Gray, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hurley, Ms. Benjamin, and five citizens, of which three representing Convertible Structure Solutions Tuskegee LLC (CSST).
- Smith requested a resolution for authorization be added to the agenda to research federal funding for the Road and Bridge Department - which was unanimously approved.
- Berry stated a vehicle assigned to the compliance department is a "disgrace" and in need of repair. Maxwell stated he too has observed the condition of the vehicle and will correct the situation.
- No citizen comments.
- Old Business
- J and J Grocery and Walter Gas and Grill LLC application for ABC Licenses - approved
- Roland Vaughn introduced C.K. Johnson and Angela McCabe of CSST to the commission. Johnson said the corporation's R&D department have developed manhole covers and rings out of a non-metallic materials. These covers will be of no value to thieves of the metal lids and therefore will be in use longer than their metal counterparts. Hundreds of thousands of the metal covers have been stolen in Cook County, Illinois in one year. Several municipalities are "entertaining" the new lids, designed for 45,000 pounds. Global distribution is in their business plan. CSST will be investing $790,000 into the production first beginning with a long term lease with the county for a home and building on the Hwy 199 county owned property. Fencing, raised beds for drainage, improvements to the existing building for rental trade-off for now an undetermined time frame we wants discussed by Vaughn. Johnson added later in the presentation FEMA approved emergency shelters for 20 to 40 people will also be manufactured on their Tuskegee site, also the home of their national office. Ultimately, the plans include fourteen stations manned by one person per station but initially starting with three stations and three administrative personnel until shipments pick up.
- Berry asked for a written budget for the county expenses for this project.
- New Business: none.
- Meeting adjourned.
- Official minutes.
Monday, 14Apr2014 6:30 P.M. Annex, General Session. In attendance, Chairman, all four commissioners, Ms. Gray, Mr. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Kinebrew. In audience, Ed Corbitt, Revenue Commissioner; Curtis Rayburn, County Red Cross representative; and Chief Ellis, Town of Shorter Fire Chief.
- Citizen comments
- Macon County Fire Chief reinforced Daryl's comments two hours earlier in that the county is now down to one county wide ambulance having just lost the Shorter ambulance.
- I compliment Russ Berry, superintendent of roads, for his crew's work to repair Hwy 54 W. Slideshow.
- Ed Corbitt, Revenue Commissioner reminded the commissioners and attendees of the tax sale this Thursday at 1000 in the annex.
- Lurenda Richardson of the Revenue Office honored as employee of the month
- Attorney Deborah Biggers, representing Notasulga residents, provided a petition with 103 names opposing the proposed shooting range on Hwy 54 E. She also showed a you-tube video of persons shooting weapons on the proposed site. Lynn Hammock also spoke opposing the shooting range and asked for support from the commission to support the wishes of the residents for safety and preservation of property value. Commissioner Berry offered a brief resolution, without specifics as unanswered questions concerning the law enforcement of the range inasmuch as it will be in the unincorporated county but within Notasulga police jurisdiction, supporting the residents' concerns. Commissioner Thompson second it and approved unanimously. Chairman said he is "praying" Notasulga will reject the plan as "drinking" and other misconduct may take place. He also said if Notasulga sees otherwise he will seek legislative action from our representative. He plans on attending the next Notasulga town hall meeting, Monday, 21Apr.
- Chairman Report
- Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday at 2:00 P.M.
- All Macon Banquet 24May
- Chief Anderson is being honored with a US postage stamp
- Finance Report: not present
- Engineer Report:
- East Main in Notasulga, striping and finishing up next week.
- Hwy 54 West repaving is before ALDOT for review
- Old Montgomery Road in Tuskegee occupied discussion for repairs and suggested by Commissioner Robinson that the county donate the road as it passes through campus to the campus.
- Attorney Report: None
- Compliance Officer: not present
- Safety committee report, the ACCA sent a check for $12K to the county for the county's safety program.
- Recessed to continuation meeting on Monday, 28April at 1000.
- Official minutes.
Monday, 14Apr2014 4:30 P.M. Annex, Work Session. In attendance, Chairman, all four commissioners, Ms. Gray, Mr. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Kinebrew. In audience, Ed Corbitt, Revenue Commissioner; Curtis Rayburn, County Red Cross representative and four non-county employee citizens.
- Ms. Sybil Kornman representing Pyrolysis Energy Recovery (PER) North America (watch their youtube video) returned to present an update and encourage the commission to move forward with a resolution and cooperation to turn garbage into oil. Multiple questions from the commission and audience primarily focusing on wanting to see a working plant in the US, other than a plant in NJ and one in GA to be on-line in 8 to 11 months, the only working plant is in South Korea. The commission moved it to the general meeting agenda - and carried it over during that meeting.
- Darrrell Fixler requested cooperation from the commission to replace and upgrade the sole ambulance in the county. The chairman advised him to speak with Ben Rackley to gather funding other than proposing of grants. Brought out in discussion that Fort Davis VFD does not have a fire truck!
- Notasulga citizens were to be present with a petition and attorney opposing the proposed shooting range in Notasulga's police jurisdiction - placed on general agenda.
- George Clay of Clay and Associates addressed the rising costs of insuring the many county buildings from $69K in 2013 to $114K in 2014. Better than 45 minutes was dedicated to the individual review of each building and its contents as well as some fence to get a current values. At times the identification of the building was a problem. May I suggest the buildings be physically marked and identified on paper accordingly with a unique number. I was surprised who ever received the inquiry from Clay "6 months ago" was not tasked with the undertaking rather than the county commissioners.
- Meeting adjourned about 6:00 P.M.
Thursday, 3Apr2014. An emergency meeting to receive quotes on emergency generators. I was not aware of the meeting until it's minutes were approved during the general meeting on Monday, April 14.
Monday, 10Mar2014 6:00 P.M. District 2 Cotton Valley Recreation Center: all commissioners, Chairman, Ms. Gray, Mr. J.D. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Kinebrew, Mr. Hurley were present. Notasulga Councilman Robin Collins was in the audience as well as several sheriff and judge candidates. (Before the start of the meeting Compliance Officer, Mr. David Hurley, told me he will be attending the Police Academy in Montgomery beginning in June through September. Upon graduation he will then be able to provide a greater service to our community with the ability to issue citations to litterers.)
- Commissioner Huffman welcomed us to his district and provided the blessing.
- The usual approval of minutes, payment of bills, and overtime was quickly handled with unanimous votes.
- Appointments were made: Nominated by Chair Maxwell, Janine Roberts to the East Central Mental Health Board; Chief Lester Patrick as District 1 representative to E911 county board; and Healthcare Authority: Bernice Frazier nominated by Senator Beasley, Anne Brown from District 1, and Debra Ellis from District 3. The board will be at its compliment upon the remaining seat being filled by Representative Warren.
- Several community events and their dates were shared by Maxwell.
- RSVP representative asked all county mayors and citizens honor their volunteers on April 1.
- Maxwell stated the county was awarded a $35,000 grant, without required matching of funds, for generators at community centers, which will then be able to be shelters with electricity - especially for vital Macon County Red Cross services. The county hopes to be able to have three locations with generators, depending on their cost. Currently, the plan is for a recreation center in districts 2, 3, and 4.
- The approval of hiring three temporary employees for no more than 120 days was granted to the Engineer for two as he interviews for four positions (two recent resignations and two retirees) and Compliance Office for one.
- Financial, Engineer, Attorney, Compliance, EMA, and RSVP reports offered and approved.
- The meeting moved along and adjourned at 7:01. It must have been the smell of pizza permeating into the meeting room that provided one of the shorter meeting I can recall.
Monday, 10Feb2014 6:30 P.M. Annex General Session. In attendance: all commissioners, Chairman, Ms. Gray, Mr. J.D. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Kinebrew. Audience included Notasulga Mayor Tommy Miller, Notasulga Councilman and sheriff candidate Robin Collins, Representative Pebblin Warren, and Sheriff David Warren.
- A presentation for county wide Dixie Youth baseball was made.
- Registration Saturday, 15Feb.
- Ages 4 to 15 and can go up to 19.
- The personators represent District 10 and work with junior and senior high school teams.
- Sponsorship of teams and players costing about $25/ea for T-ball and $40/ea for ages 9-12.
- Willey Kirk of Little Texas VFD made a presentation and asking for a commission resolution in support of a 7.5% property tax increase of property owners in the department's district, a five mile radius from the station. The increase will produce $13,000 per year.
- Sheriff Warren presented plagues and the commission resolutions to Wendell Howard and Michael Knowles (26 years) retiring members of the Sheriff's Department.
- Roman Austin and Tracy ?? of Road and Bridge Department was awarded a commission resolution upon their retirement following 28 and 20 years of service respectively. Their commissioners accepted their resolutions.
- Ministerial Council will be hosting a "Stop the Violence" rally on March 1 on Tuskegee Square with the theme "Stop the Violence We Are One."
- Thomas reported "Revenues picked up on general fund..."
- Smith in his report stated East Main in Notasulga upon better weather conditions will be stripped and have its shoulder applied.
- Gray in her report spoke briefly of the closing on the Wells Fargo donation of property and house.
- Hurley's report was before the commission but not read to those in attendance. Hurley was home sick.
- Macon County Healthcare Authority
- Mr. Ben Rackley re-appointed by Commissioner Huffman
- Appointees for districts 1 and 3 not made this evening
- Rep Warren stated she and Senator Beasley not ready to make their appointments
- March Commission meeting with be in the new District 2 recreation center on March 10 at 6:00pm
- Adjourned at 7:36 P.M.
Monday, 10Feb2014 4:30 P.M. Annex Work Session. In attendance: all commissioners, Chairman, Ms. Gray, Mr. J.D. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Kinebrew. Audience included Revenue Commissioner and two non-county employee citizens.
- Willey Kirk of Little Texas VFD made a presentation and asking for a commission resolution in support of a 7.5% property tax increase of property owners in the department's district, a five mile radius from the station. The increase will produce $13,000 per year.
- Discussion of either a new jail or a major renovation which dovetails on similar jail discussion of last month.
- A lot of discussion lead by Smith in how the Engineer Department has reduced monthly loan payments over the last few years. Furthermore, the county needs to relieve itself of equipment regularly requiring costly repairs while the pieces have value. The discussion only touched on purchasing replacement vehicles and road equipment from state surplus. Chairman suggested a line of credit for the purchases followed by Thomas stating a current audit will be required for a line of credit.
- The county currently has 13 dump sites reported to ADEM by the Compliance Officer.
- Public Comment: Initially I had no plans to speak during this meeting and the general session. However, after listening to the jail and the 13 identified dump site discussions I felt the need to share my thoughts. Jail: No inmate should live better than a military person in the field. If inmates continue to shove sheets into the commodes and thereby necessitating costly repairs, tents, razor wire, chain link fences, cots, and potty-potties would save the county in maintenance and repairs. I commented as to the chairman's half smile in that I was very serious. I asked what the county has done to curtail littering on public property to which Maxwell said to me after the meeting that Veronica is speaking with PALS. I reminded him holding the criminals accountable is the solution not PALS. He suggested speaking with the candidates for sheriff. I again asked about the Compliance Officer being able to obtain the necessary training and being authorized to write citations. Maxwell replied it would depend on he passing the physical aspect of the course.
- Adjourned about 5:30 P.M.
Monday, 13Jan2014 4:30 P.M. Annex. Work Session. In attendance: all commissioners, Chairman, Ms. Gray, Mr. J.D. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Mr. Hurley, Ms. Thomas.
- Audience - 2.
- Limited discussion of Engineer and Compliance Officer notes.
- Hurley's request for a new hire to his department was rejected by Maxwell.
- Some discussion lead by Smith and Berry of redistricting and polling centers.
Monday, 13Jan2014 6:30 P.M. Annex General Session. In attendance: all commissioners, Chairman, Ms. Bridgett Gray, Mr. J.D. Smith, Ms. Benjamin, Mr. David Hurley, Ms. Thomas.
- Chief Ellis and a group of neighboring citizens both spoke of roads, including one drainage being damned by beavers.
- Ms. Bernice Toney received a proclamation for her 28 yeas of service to the county on her retirement this month. Berry presented her with the proclamation because she first started with with the county in district 4 workshop.
- Noah Hopkins was re-appointed by Maxwell to the County Healthcare Authority and approved unanimously by the commissioners.
- Maxwell reported the annex was a "warming station" during the recent winter storm locking down of the state.
- Thomas in her financial reported stated "Revenues picked up on general fund, slightly.
- The detention center has received several complaints. Inmates have been stuffing linens into the commodes causing flooding and expensive repairs. [note: personally no prisoner should live better than our military in the field. Prisoners must have adequate facilities which include port-a-potty, cots, and tents.]
- meeting adjourned 7:27 P.M.
Monday, 9Dec2013 - 6:00 P.M. Shorter. General Session. In attendance: Chairman; Commissioners Huffman, Berry, and Drew Thompson; Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, J.D. Smith, Ms. Bridgett Gray, David Hurley, Judy Kinebrew
- Mr. Ellis McBride was recognized as 2013 Employee of the Year
- Mr. Willie Kirk during public comment segment asked for a 5% county wide lodging tax which would provide about $57,000 a year. Collectively, volunteer fire departments would receive 3% or about $1,500 to $2,000 per year per department. During the discussion Thompson and Maxwell questioned what Rep. Warren's plans are for the local bill. The county fire chief was not aware of Kirk's plans and had not spoken with him or investigated the proposal.
- Healthcare Authority - Ms. Pat Clay tended her resignation.
- Commissioner Mike Berry appointed Rufus Felton to the Healthcare Authority
- Chairman announced Wells Fargo is donating a house and its land to the county. Thompson questioned if the county had investigated the property for liens and other requirements such as EPA - a good question that was glanced over by the Maxwell.
- Chairman announced tomorrow at 1130 will be the Annual Leadership Luncheon for elected officials to get to know each other and the public was not invited. [note: Of all in the audience this evening only Jackie Carisle and I would probably have attended. Days later I found out Jackie had been invited by the Maxwell prior to 9Dec. to take photographs and that several associations and board members were in attendance. A couple of days later I spoke with Maxwell in his office and told him I took his rejection of the public as a direct assault at me as only Jackie and I would most likely would have attended and she had already been invited. I visited the AG's office as I told Maxwell I would and was told to read the Open Meetings' Law. I did and it appears social and luncheons are permitted - but my question is luncheons in public setting or private in the Tuskegee Municipal Complex?]
Tuesday, 12Nov2013 4:30 P.M. Annex. Work Session. In attendance: Chairman; Commissioners Robinson, Huffman, and Berry; and Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, Fred Gray, Mr. Hurley, and Ms. Kinebrew
- Limited discussion spurred by Robinson to provide manpower assistance to the Compliance office. Chairman stated "...need help and money... not worried about title but getting the job done." Discussion was not received well by Chairman stating "Let's talk about it okay?"
- Finance Report
- Ms. Lorna Ahoe, Director of the Macon County Humane Society said the society is willing to move its office but needs a place to move to. "[The office] need not be large and can be without a phone line." Proper storage of dog food to eliminate odors and rodents was tentatively resolved with a donation of a used chest freezer by Ms. Thomas. Ahoe also spoke of the 3.5 hour response by the sheriff department following her husband's 911 call upon a neighbor coming to their front door stating she had been beaten and raped. Commissioner Berry attempted to contact a sheriff department representative and offered to assist Ahoe and her raped neighbor to get the department to address their questions and concerns.
Tuesday, 12Nov2013 6:30 P.M. Annex. General Session. In attendance: Chairman; Commissioners Robinson, Huffman, and Berry; and Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Gray, Mr. Hurley, and Ms. Kinebrew
- 13Oct2013 minutes approved unanimously.
- Jason Lawler of the Appraiser Office - November Employee
- Chairman Maxwell asked all in attendance to shake hands of veterans in attendance; a thoughtful gesture
- Several resolutions for recent passings of Alfred Randolph, Wilbur Cloud, Eric Williams, and one other.
- Macon County and Tuskegee Christmas Parade Friday 13Dec with line up at 12:30 P.M. and start at 1:00 P.M.
- Commissioner Berry praised the engineer and his department for the "exceptional work" on CR 56
- Ms. Thomas stated "...revenues picked up slightly on general fund..."
- Two new hires; one jailer for a recent resignation and one for county maintenance. Sheriff will require another 2 or 3 as a result of resignations.
- Dec. 9 will be the next General meeting at 6:00 P.M. at the Shorter VFD on Hwy 80
Tuesday, 15Oct2013 4:30 P.M. Annex. Work Session. In attendance: Chairman; Commissioners Thompson, Huffman, and Berry; Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Gray, Mr. Hurley, Ms. Kinebrew
- Patricia Clay, President Macon County Health Authority voiced her concern of a recent Tuskegee News article of a combined use of the Thomas Reed Center by other health care providing associations.
- Charles Johnson of the Macon County Racing Commission provided its annual report showing its 2012 handle of $24 million being down from $27 million a year earlier.
- Bids from ReMix Recycling of Atlanta, GA, Waste Management of Opelika, and Advance Disposal of Tallassee opened and received for Solid Waste contract.
- Bids for professional services to address energy consumption in particular heating and cooling from Trane and Green Source of Energy. Received and to be scrutinized for specifics.
- Numerous bids for engineer department multiple materials.
Tuesday, 15Oct2013 6:30 P.M. Annex. General Session. In attendance: Chairman; Commissioners Robinson, Thompson, Huffman, and Berry; Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Gray, Mr. Hurley, Ms. Kinebrew
- Barbara Howard President of Macon NAACP spoke of Rev. Louis Farrakhan speaking in Tuskegee this weekend along with Macon County Healthy Harvest Festival.
- All Solid Waste bids were rejected and asked to resubmit their proposals. A problem receiving the three equally resulted in all three being rejected with directions to re-submit.
- SAIC Cross County Championship 25Oct at 7 A.M. on county property on Hwy 199
- Ms. Thomas reported "Revenue extremely slow on all funds."
- Engineer reported the E. Main Street project in Notasulga will be in March with a savings of $65,000.
Continuation meeting. 2014 general budget approved.
Monday, 9Sep2013 6:30 p.m. General session. Annex. Still on vacation so notes are again sketchy.
- Biggest plus of some time. The commissioners voted unanimously to move the work session from Thursday morning to two hours before the scheduled regular meeting on the second Monday of each month. The work session will begin at 4:30 p.m. followed by the general session at 6:30 p.m. I was told the chairman was not in favor of its movement. This movement will accommodate both the commissioners and citizens alike.
Thursday, 5Sep2013 10 a.m. Work session. Annex. I was on vacation so notes are sketchy.
- Highlight of this meeting was Commissioner Berry pressing for movement of the work session from Thursday mornings to 2 hours before the regular Monday meetings. He proposed this movement to facilitate a convenience for the commissioners who of late have not have regular 100% attendance in some time.
Friday, 16Aug2013 Continuation meeting 10 a.m. Annex. Chairman, Commissioners Robinson, Huffman, Thompson, and Berry, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Thomas, Mr. Smith in attendance along with three citizens in the audience.
- Commissioner Thompson named the plan as 2013 Redistricting - before voting. Commissioners Robinson, Thompson, and Berry voted "Yea"; Commissioner Huffman registered the sole "Nay."
- Macon County Red Cross moving today into their new office space along the corridor behind the chambers by the EM Director and Revenue Commissioner
Thursday, 15Aug2013 5:00 p.m. Annex. Special citizen input meeting concerning redistricting. In attendance Chairman, Commissioners Robinson, Huffman, Thompson, and Berry, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, Ms. Gray. Four citizens in audience - disgraceful! Comments supporting doing a better job of ensuring all citizens comply with the 2020 US census to ensure properly county for county, state, and federal programs. Only one citizen had a question of which Chairman, Huffman, and the citizen discussed it over the wall hanging maps.
- Meeting adjourned about 5:25 p.m.
Monday, 12Aug2013 6:30 p.m. Annex - Commissioners Berry, Robinson, and Huffman, chairman, Ms. Gray, Mr. Smith, Ms. Thomas, Ms. Benjamin, and Kinebrew.
- Commissioner Berry praised the many volunteers who gave of their mornings for seven weeks for our youth during June and July. Chairman Maxwell and commissioners presented certificates of appreciation.
- Employee of the Month: Eloise Smith of the tag office
New business
- Chief Ellis President of Macon County Volunteer Fire fighting Association (county association) presented a plan to the commission his association intends to ask for legislative action leading to a vote by the citizens to increase our ad valorem tax to include a proposed special fire protection tax of 5 mills/dollar value of assessed taxable property in the unincorporated areas of the county. The proposed draft provides for disbursement of the funds to include 10% to a discretionary fund of the county association, 40% to be divided a month the VFD on a percentage basis, and 50% equally divided among all "eligible" VFD's after fees are paid for administrative services from county offices. Commissioner Berry asked about the cigarette tax that goes to the VFD. Several citizens expressed concern of being taxed without adequate service. Commissioner Berry asked that rather than the commission voting for a resolution during this meeting to do so during Sept's meeting. No action taken.
- The City of Tuskegee wants a joint venture for 24 hour health care in Macon County. The county recently paid $100K for a new roof and is currently paying insurance and upkeep on the grounds and building. The building is jointly owned by the two entities. Some commissioners want to be fairly compensated for their expenses into the building. No action taken.
- The county library board approached the commission asking for two new positions on the board to be filled by the City of Tuskegee. Chairman gave up his appointment and therefore 3 would come from Tuskegee and 4 appointments from the county. Unanimously approved.
- Resolution to send out requests for bids to address energy equipment and use was unanimously approved.
- Chairman - Macon County Days, 23 and 24 Aug., looking for adult volunteers for the youth tour about the county and City of Tuskegee offices, including the jail.
- Finance - "Revenues still extremely low."
- Engineer - stated municipalities extending their town limits should be maintaining their roads and infrastructure not the county. The chairman directed him to put up "county maintenance of roads begin" and "county maintenance of roads end" to keep citizens informed of both the county and municipality responsibilities. Handout. Redistricting meeting on August 15 at 5 p.m.
- Compliance - commission voted unanimously to have a garbage truck per district on the 3rd Saturday of each month for large items and not household garbage. There will no longer be roll offs left on site for the large items as they have been regularly abused with household garbage in and about the container.
Meeting recessed until Friday August 16 at 1000.
Thursday, 8Aug2013 10:00 a.m. Annex - Commissioners Berry, chair, and Thompson present with Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, Hurley, and Gray. One non-county employee citizen in audience.
- Majority of the hour meeting involved Road and Bridge Department - 3 bush hogs and 3 tractors need replacement. Several other pieces of equipment, such as a bottom trailer, should also be sold. Personnel replacement.
- Compliance officer requested to be placed on Monday, 12Aug, agenda for personnel reassignment wanting his compliance worker to be under his supervision as compared to be taken and temporarily assigned to grounds to cut grass.
Tuesday, 25Jul2013 6:00 p.m. Public Meeting for redistricting the 4 county districts - cancelled and and rescheduled for 15Aug 5:00 p.m. Two non-county employee citizens in attendance.
Monday, 8Jul2013 6:30 p.m. Annex - All Commissioners present along with Benjamin, Thomas, Smith, Hurley, Gray, and Kinebrew
- Ellis McBride - employee of the month
- New business
- Aerial digital imagery for Revenue Commissioner - resolution unanimously approved pending attorney review and approval.
- County contract with Sheppard-Harris & Associates for preparation of financial reports and statements at $3,500/year, unanimously approved.
- Trane representatives, Carla Parker and a man both whom have been before the commission recently, asked commission to move forward with considering completed energy audit costing + - $8,000. Unanimous approval to advertise RSP/RSQ at no expense to county.
- Office space for Red Cross assigned with provisions that extension service may use the area for training once a month.
- Federal voting/gaming law suit. Unanimous vote for county to become a plaintiff with no expense to the county.
- Michael Johnson spoke of his difficulties in assisting the county with his grant proposals and being removed from the Community Development Corp. meetings. CDC is to be on next month's agenda.
- Chairman report
- Aug. 23 and 24 All Macon County Days
- Announced annual Macon County awards: Mrs. Marian Ash (Little Texas), Mr. Liston Robert Burns, Jr (Tuskegee), Mr. Joe Callaway, Jr (Shorter), Mayor Rufus Carson (Franklin), Ms. Katie Hester (Notasulga), Mrs. Phyllis W. Ledbetter (Notasulga), Ms. Madison McCurdy (Franklin), Mr. Bill Perry (Tuskegee), Mrs. Berthenia L. Smith (Boromville)
- Finance Report - "revenues still extremely slow ....on all funds"
- Engineer Report - here
- Compliance Officer Report - here
- EMA Director reports that shelter dehumidifiers must be on at all times. Need to be check regularly specifically after a thunderstorm.
Thursday, 27Jun2013 Continuation meeting at 2:00 p.m. Annex. All commissioners present along with Hurley, Benjamin, Smith, Thomas, and Gray.
- Public Comment segment. Frank Dillman told the commission that the current business license policy is not unlike the proposed zoning ordinance also borrowed from another county without any review and deleting specifics obviously not pertaining to Macon County. He also said that this method of not doing a complete review is reminiscent of the recent ordinance and its rescinding within 30 days of the 4 day work week; no planning. He requested that the business license be immediately suspended until a complete review is conducted.
- Redistricting as reported by Maxwell is not prepared for today.
- County wide business license schedule and the county's intent pertaining to agriculture was clarified with Robinson specifically requesting the definition of "farmer" be included in the modification of the ordinance. Berry requested this item be on the agenda and made the motion which was seconded by Thompson and unanimously approved.
- Workshop segment included
- Mr. Ed Corbitt, Revenue Commissioner, reporting that his office and UBT will be sharing expenses for aerial photographing. ALDOT has offered $8,800 toward the project providing the state receives the data and photographs.
- Thomas reported due to fiscal restraints the state auditor will not longer prepare financial statements. These statements must now be prepared at the expense of the county, on average $3,500 each. Our audit is three years behind; not as a result of the county but the priority placed upon school boards by the state auditor and reduction of personnel.
- Maxwell reported the Macon County Red Cross is looking for office space. The building currently housing the office and library will be the City of Tuskegee Police Department headquarters. Robinson expressed his concern in that the library is being pushed aside and without a designed new location.
- Maxwell requested if the commission would consider joining the class action federal suit, of which he is personally a plaintiff, against AG over the citizens of Macon having our voting taken from us over electronic bingo. Jimmy McGhar asked Maxwell to what expense will this incur, to which Maxwell's reply was "none" as the prominent attorneys are donating their time.
- Mr. Crowley of Green Grease made yet another verbal appeal including they are prepared to invest $20 million in about 45 days toward their effort to get 90% of the county recycling.
Monday, 10Jun2013 at 6:30 p.m. District 1 Shiloh AME Zion Church, Hwy 24 in Brownville. All commissioners present along with Hurley, Benjamin, Smith, Thomas, and Gray.
- Rufus Felton on behalf of Commissioner Robinson, who was delayed, welcomed the commission and visitors to district 1 and his church.
- Dr. Elaine Harrington presented a certificate of appreciation and a $100 check to the commission on behalf of the George Washington Carver Commemorative Festival.
- Employee of the Month: Ms. Julie Bufford of the Probate Office
- Reports
- EMA - per Chairman the department has planned exercises in the near future of the county.
- Compliance -
- Business license requirements need to be re-examined for clarity and enforcement. Chairman said the requirements for business licenses will be discussed during July's meeting.
- Humane Society is in need of help moving from her current county office - Smith offered his department.
- Attorney - no report
- Engineer -
- His crew provided a temporary fix to Notasulga's Town Lake from draining itself as a result of a broken pipe, that may have been coincidental or as a result of the excessive stress with the recent flooding.
- Asked for a replacement employee for one who is retiring - approved.
- Asked for a new employee - not considered following Chairman expressed concerns with "it is a struggle to meet payroll every month... persons cussing out county for not paying bills...we can replace employees but not add at this challenged time." Commissioner Berry suggested temporary seasonal help.
- Finance - "revenue extremely slow", business license revenue from Oct. to May $179,000, and gasoline and other funds in the negative balance.
- Chairman
- "We are doing the best we can on a daily basis."
- Redistribution plan - first an administrative meeting and then with commissioners
- Chisolm Rec Center - Fire Marshall requires a sprinkler system. However water pressure is inadequate and a portable water tank too costly.
- Old Business - Jailer hired
Thursday, 6Jun2013 at 10:00 a.m. All commissioners present, less Thompson. Also present was Benjamin, Gray, Thomas, Smith, and Hurley. Two non-county Macon residents in attendance.
- A brief presentation by Buddy Sharpless and Mark Dolan of Volkert, Inc offering assistance to the county in re-evaluating our Solid Waste Plan, as required every 10 years by the state.
- Ensuring all citizens know of their nearest storm shelter discussed in light of the recent violent thunderstorms and flooding. CR4 sustained a 25' collapse as a result of obstruction of a large drain pipe. The road was immediately closed, repaired by Road and Bridge, and re-opened. Smith will closely monitor structure of roads and bridges.
- A fully funded USDA program to provide proper nutrition during the summer months to 5 to 18 year-olds was presented by Berry. District 4 rec center and St. Joseph Catholic School and Washington Chapel Church are the three designated locations to provide breakfast and lunches to an expected 60 to 100 children per site. The program will begin Monday, June 10 and continue through the end of July. This program is not income based. The local program was spearheaded by Patricia Rochon, wife of TU President. Meals will be prepared on TU campus and transported to the serving sites. Volunteers are needed to serve our youth.
- Hurley noted that box lunches were to have been passed out at NHS on Thursday, June 6th.
Monday, 13May2013 at 6:30 p.m. All commissioners present. Also present representing the county: Benjamin, Gray, Kinebrew, Thomas.
- Citizen comments: Jacqueline Carlisle spoke of the success of the recent G. W. Carver celebration, Willie Kirk invited the community to Little Texas VFD fund raiser, Frank Dillman, cautioned the commission to not spend money we do not have to attend in state conferences, such as ACCA annual meeting in August.
- Mayor of the Town of Franklin was recognized.
- Employee of the Month: April, Veronica Golutte of Commission Office and Michael Williams of Compliance for May
- 911 Bond Resolution which was rewritten and passed unanimously
- Chairman Report: approved unanimously
- County Jail: inmates are inserting sheets and linens into the sewage system thereby backing up the system. (My thought to that includes outhouses and tents. Prisoners should not live any better than the worse conditions any of our troops are experiencing in the defense of our county.)
- Redistricting: meet with SCAG Wednesday, May 15
- June's meeting will be in District 1.
- All Macon County Day, August 23 and 24
- Widest Yard Sale, May 31 - June 2
- Finance Report: We are "financially challenged" said Chairman Maxwell. approved unanimously
- Engineer Report: approved unanimously.
- EMA Report: Emergency Preparedness expo Saturday May 18 10 am to noon Thomas Reed Clinic. approved unanimously.
- Old business:
- Revisit garbage pick up contract. Advance has offered to assist the county to develop a recycling program.
- Cal Wilson was re-appointed to the County Water Authority for District 4. approved unanimously.
Thursday, 9May2013 at 10:00 a.m. All commissioners present less Miles Robinson, district 1. County Engineer is at a conference. County employees in attendance: Benjamin, Gray, Kinebrew, Hurley, Miller (in capacity as 911 Chief), Revenue Commissioner Ed Corbitt. Three presentations took place:
- Chief Miller requesting a resolution for a EMA building to be funded by a bond with responsibility removed from the county for obligation. Mr. Fred Gray while reading segments of the resolution written by the attorney representing the EMA cautioned the commission to fully understand the content of the resolution. Mr. Gray will contact the EMA attorney. He and Ms. Gray will try to have further guidance for the Monday meeting.
- I asked the commission to place on Monday's agenda to discuss and vote on attending their annual ACCA state conference in Orange Beach in August as a result of the county being "broke"; Lee County Commission recently did so. I said that Representative Warren yesterday during testimony on her "fairness" gaming bill said the county was broke. Chairman Maxwell has said during many meetings we do not have an adequate revenue flow and has favored furloughs of employees before the failure of the 4 day work week which was rescinded during the last meeting before it was ever implemented. My further explanation included the citizens deserve to understand the magnitude of our financial situation, as I was the only non-county employee in the room at this time. As I pointed to the commercial water bottle stand I said the commission approved its removal and cessation of the contact which obviously has not been accomplished. The chairman with little enthusiasm asked if one would make a motion. No surprise, none was made. Before closing the meeting Ms. Benjamin asked if any items are to be added to Monday's agenda to which no one said a word.
Monday, 8Apr2013 All commissioners in attendance along with Benjamin, Thomas, Gray, Hurley, and Smith
- Three 4H students recognized for their performance in Macon County Steer Show: Arguel Poole, Dusty King, Juan Williams
- County audit is over 3 years of age through no fault of the county. Need to get a current audit performed.
- Judge Tom Young, supported by Clerk of the County Mr. David Love, requested the yet implemented 4 day work week, be rescinded. All commissioners, less Berry, voted Yea.
- $84,000 transferred from bond money to County Road 13 project for match of the $416,967.00 project.
- Non-Exempt status for assistant county engineer and superintendent: temporary measure for specific projects. All commissioners voted yea less Berry who abstained.
- Austerity proposals primarily by Berry
- Discontinue the nearly 30 cell phones. If employees want to retain the phone he/she will be responsible for monthly payment to Verizon.
- Travel: no out of state
- Vehicles - 14 county vehicles have been going home every night. Smith said "some" vehicles will not go home but stay on county property.
- Added court house and annex security - eliminated except in court house on court dates.
22Aug2011. Continuation meeting. Commissioners Thompson, Albert Daniels, and Berry and Chairman Maxwell in attendance along with Benjamin, Thomas, and Gray. Minutes.
- Commissioner Thompson moved to adopt Resolution #082211 implementing a money grabbing enterprise; a county wide business license policy unanimously approved by all three commissioners in attendance and implemented October 1, 2011. The 38 page schedule (ouch!) appears to have been rubber stamped from another county as our schedule includes Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing (#336415), Explosives Manufacturing (#235920), Finfish Fishing (#114111), Copper Ore and Nickel Ore Mining (#212234), Confectionery and Nut Stores (#445292), Citrus (except Orange) Groves (#111320), and Port and Harbor Operations (#488310).