The Dillmans of Notasulga, Alabama

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come on, email Frank

Macon County, Alabama has a problem with Open Records

The Macon County Commission thrives on conducting business removed from citizens' ears and eyes. The Open Meetings and Open Records Acts means little to this county government. The county commission on Jul. 25, 2017 unanimously voted to suspend the Open Records Act in direct violation of Section 21 of the 1901 Constitution, Suspension of Laws: "That no power of suspending laws shall be exercised except by the legislature."

In this letter Chairman Maxwell stated the commission agreed "to hold all requests for copies until such time the Commission's "Public Request of Copy" policy is approved." No sunset date, simply "until such time" when they get their policy written. The suspension could have lasted 6 hours, 6 days, 6 months, or 6 years. The AG cared less.

A copy of the county letter was hand-delivered within a week of my receipt to Tina, an investigator, in the Alabama Attorney General's office. I have heard NOTHING.

Question, why is the chairman using a yahoo email address instead of his official email address. Yahoo is known for a huge data breach, is it any better today to feel confident in placing county business on such a vulnerable site? Personally, I have blocked his non-official email address from my mail account.

It appears the intent of the new county policy is to impede public access to county records while charging a $1.00 per page if copied or electronically attached to an email.

The commission went into Executive Session on September 25, 2017 to "discuss" the draft of the county Open Records Policy as announced by the chairman. I was the only one in the audience. I suspect the commissioners' lack of testosterone felt secrecy was necessary instead of discussing the impasse with me and being the men they portray themselves to be.

It also appears the commission did in fact "discuss" and set policy in the Executive Session. Before the general meeting was convened, I requested and was reluctantly provided a copy of the 2018 budgetary working documents. Immediately upon reconvening the general session from the Executive Session, I was ordered to surrender the copy, not once but twice, by the chairman because I was not moving fast enough. I regret every day by not packing up my papers and walk out of the chamber with the budget papers in hand.

I have requested and received county documents for years at no cost, however, their lack of cooperativeness, adherence to law, increased retaliation, and recently added fees of a $1.00 per copied or electronic page by the county commission have taken the county backwards in transparency.

Time line of Open Records Requests and Violation of Law

* No response or required explanation for not fulfilling the request.