Health Care Compact
5May2012 Update: Alabama stood up in a historic election in 2010 to vote for new leadership in Montgomery. Voters expected their newly elected officials to stand up for the values of Alabama and not cave to outside pressure.
This week a few Democrats stood up to speak against the Health Care Compact (SB258 & HB43). They called the house sponsor a racist! They quoted racists rants of the civil rights era as if somehow this was related. Clearly, this was a liberal hit-job designed to spook the chamber.
Disappointingly, it worked!
Voters expected Alabama to stand up for their rights. Passing seminal legislation like the Health Care Compact was the job they were assigned.
The Health Care Compact injects itself right in the center of the debate on who should control our Health Care. Should Washington Bureaucratic appointees decide your care?
We don’t think so either.
The Health Care Compact returns power to Alabama. Six states have already passed the Compact, which represents a broad spectrum of American’s concerned about the ever growing, ever costly federal government.
In Alabama’s House of Representatives, Republicans were swept in to power with a clear 60 % majority. Nevertheless, leadership caved to the pressure of the minority party firing off insults. At the request of the Democrats, the leadership postponed indefinitely a vote on the Health Care Compact.
BUT THERE IS STILL TIME! Let Leadership in the House and Senate know where YOU stand! Let them know that Alabamians are the force to be reckoned with and not some special interest defending federal kickbacks tucked into federal health care laws.
The Health Care Compact is the only initiative that empowers participating states to stand up to the federal government to foster a Health Care environment that works for their state, that works for Alabamians.
Representative Mike Hubbard, Speaker of the House
State House: (334) 242-7668 / District: (334) 826-9946
Micky Hammon, House Majority Leader
State House: (334) 242-7709 / District: (256) 260-2146
Senator Del Marsh, President Pro Tempore
State House: (334) 242-7877
Click Here for Senator Marsh Contact form
Senator J. T. "Jabo" Waggoner, Senate Majority Leader
State House: (334) 242-7892